#include "getreplies.qh" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // ========================================================= // Reply messages for common commands, re-worked by Samual // Last updated: December 30th, 2011 // ========================================================= // These strings are set usually during init in world.qc, // or also by some game modes or other functions manually, // and their purpose is to output information to clients // without using any extra processing time. // See common.qc for their proper commands string getrecords(int page) { string s = ""; MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(GetRecords, page, s); s = M_ARGV(1, string); MapInfo_ClearTemps(); return s; } string getrankings() { float t, i; string n, s, p, map; map = GetMapname(); s = ""; for (i = 1; i <= RANKINGS_CNT; ++i) { t = race_readTime(map, i); if (t == 0) continue; n = race_readName(map, i); p = count_ordinal(i); s = strcat(s, strpad(8, p), " ", strpad(-8, TIME_ENCODED_TOSTRING(t, false)), " ", n, "\n"); } MapInfo_ClearTemps(); if (s == "") return strcat("No records are available for the map: ", map, "\n"); else return strcat("Records for ", map, ":\n", s); } string getladder() { int i, j, k, uidcnt = 0, thiscnt; string s, temp_s, rr, myuid, thisuid; rr = (g_cts) ? CTS_RECORD : RACE_RECORD; for (k = 0; k < MapInfo_count; ++k) { if (MapInfo_Get_ByID(k)) { for (i = 0; i <= LADDER_CNT; ++i) // i = 0 because it is the speed award { if (i == 0) // speed award { if (stof(db_get(ServerProgsDB, strcat(MapInfo_Map_bspname, rr, "speed/speed"))) == 0) continue; myuid = db_get(ServerProgsDB, strcat(MapInfo_Map_bspname, rr, "speed/crypto_idfp")); } else // normal record, if it exists (else break) { if (race_readTime(MapInfo_Map_bspname, i) == 0) continue; myuid = race_readUID(MapInfo_Map_bspname, i); } // string s contains: // arg 0 = # of speed recs // arg 1 = # of 1st place recs // arg 2 = # of 2nd place recs // ... etc // LADDER_CNT+1 = total points temp_s = db_get(TemporaryDB, strcat("ladder", myuid)); if (temp_s == "") { db_put(TemporaryDB, strcat("uid", ftos(uidcnt)), myuid); ++uidcnt; for (j = 0; j <= LADDER_CNT + 1; ++j) { if (j != LADDER_CNT + 1) temp_s = strcat(temp_s, "0 "); else temp_s = strcat(temp_s, "0"); } } tokenize_console(temp_s); s = ""; if (i == 0) // speed award { for (j = 0; j <= LADDER_CNT; ++j) // loop over each arg in the string { if (j == 0) // speed award s = strcat(s, ftos(stof(argv(j)) + 1)); // add 1 to speed rec count and write else s = strcat(s, " ", argv(j)); // just copy over everything else } } else // record { for (j = 0; j <= LADDER_CNT; ++j) // loop over each arg in the string { if (j == 0) s = strcat(s, argv(j)); // speed award, dont prefix with " " else if (j == i) // wanted rec! s = strcat(s, " ", ftos(stof(argv(j)) + 1)); // update argv(j) else s = strcat(s, " ", argv(j)); // just copy over everything else } } // total points are (by default) calculated like this: // speedrec = floor(100 / 10) = 10 points // 1st place = floor(100 / 1) = 100 points // 2nd place = floor(100 / 2) = 50 points // 3rd place = floor(100 / 3) = 33 points // 4th place = floor(100 / 4) = 25 points // 5th place = floor(100 / 5) = 20 points // ... etc if (i == 0) s = strcat(s, " ", ftos(stof(argv(LADDER_CNT + 1)) + LADDER_FIRSTPOINT / 10)); // speed award, add LADDER_FIRSTPOINT / 10 points else s = strcat(s, " ", ftos(stof(argv(LADDER_CNT + 1)) + floor(LADDER_FIRSTPOINT / i))); // record, add LADDER_FIRSTPOINT / i points db_put(TemporaryDB, strcat("ladder", myuid), s); } } } for (i = 0; i <= uidcnt; ++i) // for each known uid { thisuid = db_get(TemporaryDB, strcat("uid", ftos(i))); temp_s = db_get(TemporaryDB, strcat("ladder", thisuid)); tokenize_console(temp_s); thiscnt = stof(argv(LADDER_CNT + 1)); if (thiscnt > top_scores[LADDER_SIZE - 1]) { for (j = 0; j < LADDER_SIZE; ++j) // for each place in ladder { if (thiscnt > top_scores[j]) { for (k = LADDER_SIZE - 1; k >= j; --k) { top_uids[k] = top_uids[k - 1]; top_scores[k] = top_scores[k - 1]; } top_uids[j] = thisuid; top_scores[j] = thiscnt; break; } } } } s = "^3-----------------------\n\n"; s = strcat(s, "Pos ^3|"); s = strcat(s, " ^7Total ^3|"); for (i = 1; i <= LADDER_CNT; ++i) s = strcat(s, " ^7", count_ordinal(i), " ^3|"); s = strcat(s, " ^7Speed awards ^3| ^7Name"); s = strcat(s, "\n^3----+--------"); for (i = 1; i <= min(9, LADDER_CNT); ++i) s = strcat(s, "+-----"); #if LADDER_CNT > 9 for (i = 1; i <= LADDER_CNT - 9; ++i) s = strcat(s, "+------"); #endif s = strcat(s, "+--------------+--------------------\n"); for (i = 0; i < LADDER_SIZE; ++i) { temp_s = db_get(TemporaryDB, strcat("ladder", top_uids[i])); tokenize_console(temp_s); if (argv(LADDER_CNT + 1) == "") // total is 0, skip continue; s = strcat(s, strpad(4, count_ordinal(i + 1)), "^3| ^7"); // pos s = strcat(s, strpad(7, argv(LADDER_CNT + 1)), "^3| ^7"); // total for (j = 1; j <= min(9, LADDER_CNT); ++j) s = strcat(s, strpad(4, argv(j)), "^3| ^7"); // 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc cnt #if LADDER_CNT > 9 for (j = 10; j <= LADDER_CNT; ++j) s = strcat(s, strpad(4, argv(j)), " ^3| ^7"); // 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc cnt #endif s = strcat(s, strpad(13, argv(0)), "^3| ^7"); // speed award cnt s = strcat(s, uid2name(top_uids[i]), "\n"); // name } MapInfo_ClearTemps(); if (s == "") return "No ladder on this server!\n"; else return strcat("Top ", ftos(LADDER_SIZE), " ladder rankings:\n", s); } string getmaplist() { if(autocvar_g_maplist == "") return "^7Map list is empty"; string maplist = ""; int mapcount = 0; FOREACH_WORD(autocvar_g_maplist, MapInfo_CheckMap(it), { string col = (i % 2) ? "^2" : "^3"; maplist = cons(maplist, strcat(col, it)); mapcount += 1; }); MapInfo_ClearTemps(); return sprintf("^7Maps in list (%d): %s\n", mapcount, maplist); } const int LSMAPS_MAX = 250; string getlsmaps() { string lsmaps = "", col; bool newmaps = false; int added = 0; for (int i = 0; i < MapInfo_count; ++i) { if ((MapInfo_Get_ByID(i)) && !(MapInfo_Map_flags & MapInfo_ForbiddenFlags())) { ++added; if(added > LSMAPS_MAX) continue; // we still get the added count, but skip the actual processing // todo: Check by play count of maps for other game types? if((g_race || g_cts) && !race_readTime(MapInfo_Map_bspname, 1)) { newmaps = true; if (i % 2) col = "^4*"; else col = "^5*"; } else { if (i % 2) col = "^2"; else col = "^3"; } lsmaps = cons(lsmaps, strcat(col, MapInfo_Map_bspname)); } } if(added > LSMAPS_MAX) lsmaps = sprintf("%s ^7(%d not listed)", lsmaps, added - LSMAPS_MAX); MapInfo_ClearTemps(); return sprintf("^7Maps available (%d)%s: %s\n", added, (newmaps ? " (New maps have asterisks marked in blue)" : ""), lsmaps); } string getmonsterlist() { string monsterlist = ""; FOREACH(Monsters, it != MON_Null && !(it.spawnflags & MON_FLAG_HIDDEN), { string col = ((i % 2) ? "^2" : "^3"); monsterlist = sprintf("%s%s%s ", monsterlist, col, it.netname); }); return sprintf("^7Monsters available: %s\n", monsterlist); } /* ============= GetCvars ============= Superseded by REPLICATE Called with: 0: sends the request >0: receives a cvar from name=argv(f) value=argv(f+1) */ void GetCvars_handleString(entity this, entity store, string thisname, float f, .string field, string name) { if (f < 0) { strfree(store.(field)); } else if (f > 0) { if (thisname == name) { strcpy(store.(field), argv(f + 1)); } } else stuffcmd(this, strcat("cl_cmd sendcvar ", name, "\n")); } void GetCvars_handleString_Fixup(entity this, entity store, string thisname, float f, .string field, string name, string(entity, string) func) { GetCvars_handleString(this, store, thisname, f, field, name); if (f >= 0) // also initialize to the fitting value for "" when sending cvars out if (thisname == name) { string s = func(this, strcat(store.(field))); if (s != store.(field)) { strcpy(store.(field), s); } } } void GetCvars_handleFloat(entity this, entity store, string thisname, float f, .float field, string name) { if (f < 0) { } else if (f > 0) { if (thisname == name) store.(field) = stof(argv(f + 1)); } else stuffcmd(this, strcat("cl_cmd sendcvar ", name, "\n")); } void GetCvars_handleFloatOnce(entity this, entity store, string thisname, float f, .float field, string name) { if (f < 0) { } else if (f > 0) { if (thisname == name) { if (!store.(field)) { store.(field) = stof(argv(f + 1)); if (!store.(field)) store.(field) = -1; } } } else { if (!store.(field)) stuffcmd(this, strcat("cl_cmd sendcvar ", name, "\n")); } } /** * @param f -1: cleanup, 0: request, 1: receive */ void GetCvars(entity this, entity store, int f) { string s = string_null; if (f == 0) LOG_INFO("Warning: requesting cvar values is deprecated. Client should send them automatically using REPLICATE.\n"); if (f > 0) s = strcat(argv(f)); get_cvars_f = f; get_cvars_s = s; MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(GetCvars); Notification_GetCvars(this, store); ReplicateVars(this, store, s, f); if (f > 0) ReplicateVars_ApplyChange(this, store, s, f); }