#include "cheats.qh" #include "weapons/tracing.qh" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef NOCHEATS float CheatImpulse(entity this, int imp) { return 0; } float CheatCommand(entity this, int argc) { return 0; } float CheatFrame(entity this) { return 0; } void CheatInit() { cheatcount_total = world.cheatcount; } void CheatShutdown() { } void Drag_MoveDrag(entity from, entity to) { } #else .bool maycheat; float gamestart_sv_cheats; void CheatInit() { gamestart_sv_cheats = autocvar_sv_cheats; } void CheatShutdown() { } // the cheat gets passed as argument for possible future ACL checking float CheatsAllowed(entity this, float imp, int argc, float cheatframe, bool logattempt, bool ignoredead) { if(!ignoredead && IS_DEAD(this)) return 0; if(gamestart_sv_cheats < 2 && !IS_PLAYER(this)) return 0; if(imp == CHIMPULSE_CLONE_MOVING.impulse || imp == CHIMPULSE_CLONE_STANDING.impulse) if(this.lip < autocvar_sv_clones) return 1; // haha if(this.maycheat) return 1; if(gamestart_sv_cheats && autocvar_sv_cheats) return 1; if (logattempt) { // if we get here, player is not allowed to cheat. Log it. if(imp) bprintf("Player %s^7 tried to use cheat 'impulse %d'\n", playername(this.netname, this.team, false), imp); else if(argc) bprintf("Player %s^7 tried to use cheat '%s'\n", playername(this.netname, this.team, false), argv(0)); else if(cheatframe) bprintf("Player %s^7 tried to use cheat frame %d\n", playername(this.netname, this.team, false), cheatframe); else bprintf("Player %s^7 tried to use an unknown cheat\n", playername(this.netname, this.team, false)); } return 0; } #define BEGIN_CHEAT_FUNCTION() \ float cheating = 0, attempting = 0 #define DID_CHEAT() \ ++cheating #define ADD_CHEATS(e,n) \ cheatcount_total += n; \ e.cheatcount += n #define END_CHEAT_FUNCTION() \ ADD_CHEATS(this, cheating); \ return attempting #define IS_CHEAT(ent,i,argc,fr) \ if((++attempting, !CheatsAllowed(ent,i,argc,fr,true,false))) \ break float num_autoscreenshot; void info_autoscreenshot_findtarget(entity this) { entity e; e = find(NULL, targetname, this.target); if(!e) { objerror(this, "Missing target. FAIL!"); return; } vector a = vectoangles(e.origin - this.origin); a.x = -a.x; // don't ask this.angles_x = a.x; this.angles_y = a.y; // we leave Rick Roll alone } spawnfunc(info_autoscreenshot) { // this one just has to exist if(++num_autoscreenshot > autocvar_g_max_info_autoscreenshot) { objerror(this, "Too many info_autoscreenshot entitites. FAIL!"); return; } if(this.target != "") InitializeEntity(this, info_autoscreenshot_findtarget, INITPRIO_FINDTARGET); tracebox(this.origin, PL_CROUCH_MIN_CONST, PL_CROUCH_MAX_CONST, this.origin, MOVE_WORLDONLY, this); if(!trace_startsolid) IL_PUSH(g_observepoints, this); } float CheatImpulse(entity this, int imp) { BEGIN_CHEAT_FUNCTION(); switch(imp) { entity e, e2; case CHIMPULSE_SPEEDRUN_INIT.impulse: // deploy personal waypoint // shared with regular waypoint init, so this is not a cheat by itself if(!this.personal) { this.personal = new(personal_wp); } this.personal.origin = this.origin; this.personal.v_angle = this.v_angle; this.personal.velocity = this.velocity; SetResource(this.personal, RES_ROCKETS, GetResource(this, RES_ROCKETS)); SetResource(this.personal, RES_BULLETS, GetResource(this, RES_BULLETS)); SetResource(this.personal, RES_CELLS, GetResource(this, RES_CELLS)); SetResource(this.personal, RES_SHELLS, GetResource(this, RES_SHELLS)); SetResource(this.personal, RES_FUEL, GetResource(this, RES_FUEL)); SetResource(this.personal, RES_HEALTH, max(1, GetResource(this, RES_HEALTH))); SetResource(this.personal, RES_ARMOR, GetResource(this, RES_ARMOR)); STAT(WEAPONS, this.personal) = STAT(WEAPONS, this); StatusEffects_copy(this.statuseffects, this.personal, 0); this.personal.items = this.items; this.personal.pauserotarmor_finished = this.pauserotarmor_finished; this.personal.pauserothealth_finished = this.pauserothealth_finished; this.personal.pauserotfuel_finished = this.pauserotfuel_finished; this.personal.pauseregen_finished = this.pauseregen_finished; this.personal.teleport_time = time; break; // this part itself doesn't cheat, so let's not count this case CHIMPULSE_CLONE_MOVING.impulse: IS_CHEAT(this, imp, 0, 0); makevectors (this.v_angle); this.velocity = this.velocity + v_forward * 300; CopyBody(this, 1); this.lip += 1; this.velocity = this.velocity - v_forward * 300; DID_CHEAT(); break; case CHIMPULSE_CLONE_STANDING.impulse: IS_CHEAT(this, imp, 0, 0); CopyBody(this, 0); this.lip += 1; DID_CHEAT(); break; case CHIMPULSE_GIVE_ALL.impulse: IS_CHEAT(this, imp, 0, 0); CheatCommand(this, tokenize_console("give all")); break; // already counted as cheat case CHIMPULSE_SPEEDRUN.impulse: if(!autocvar_g_allow_checkpoints) IS_CHEAT(this, imp, 0, 0); if(this.personal) { this.speedrunning = true; tracebox(this.personal.origin, this.mins, this.maxs, this.personal.origin, MOVE_WORLDONLY, this); if(trace_startsolid) { sprint(this, "Cannot move there, cheater - only waypoints set using g_waypointsprite_personal work\n"); } else { // Abort speedrun, teleport back setorigin(this, this.personal.origin); this.oldvelocity = this.velocity = this.personal.velocity; this.angles = this.personal.v_angle; this.fixangle = true; MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(AbortSpeedrun, this); } SetResource(this, RES_ROCKETS, GetResource(this.personal, RES_ROCKETS)); SetResource(this, RES_BULLETS, GetResource(this.personal, RES_BULLETS)); SetResource(this, RES_CELLS, GetResource(this.personal, RES_CELLS)); SetResource(this, RES_SHELLS, GetResource(this.personal, RES_SHELLS)); SetResource(this, RES_FUEL, GetResource(this.personal, RES_FUEL)); SetResource(this, RES_HEALTH, GetResource(this.personal, RES_HEALTH)); SetResource(this, RES_ARMOR, GetResource(this.personal, RES_ARMOR)); STAT(WEAPONS, this) = STAT(WEAPONS, this.personal); this.items = this.personal.items; this.pauserotarmor_finished = time + this.personal.pauserotarmor_finished - this.personal.teleport_time; this.pauserothealth_finished = time + this.personal.pauserothealth_finished - this.personal.teleport_time; this.pauserotfuel_finished = time + this.personal.pauserotfuel_finished - this.personal.teleport_time; this.pauseregen_finished = time + this.personal.pauseregen_finished - this.personal.teleport_time; StatusEffects_copy(this.personal, this.statuseffects, this.personal.teleport_time); StatusEffects_update(this); if(!autocvar_g_allow_checkpoints) DID_CHEAT(); break; } if(IS_DEAD(this)) sprint(this, "UR DEAD AHAHAH))\n"); else sprint(this, "No waypoint set, cheater (use g_waypointsprite_personal to set one)\n"); break; case CHIMPULSE_TELEPORT.impulse: IS_CHEAT(this, imp, 0, 0); if(this.move_movetype == MOVETYPE_NOCLIP) { e = find(NULL, classname, "info_autoscreenshot"); if(e) { sprint(this, "Emergency teleport used info_autoscreenshot location\n"); setorigin(this, e.origin); this.angles = e.angles; delete(e); // should we? this.angles_x = -this.angles_x; this.fixangle = true; this.velocity = '0 0 0'; DID_CHEAT(); break; } } if(MoveToRandomMapLocation(this, DPCONTENTS_SOLID | DPCONTENTS_CORPSE | DPCONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP, DPCONTENTS_SLIME | DPCONTENTS_LAVA | DPCONTENTS_SKY | DPCONTENTS_BODY | DPCONTENTS_DONOTENTER, Q3SURFACEFLAG_SKY, ((gamestart_sv_cheats < 2) ? 100 : 100000), 384, 384)) { sprint(this, "Emergency teleport used random location\n"); this.angles_x = -this.angles.x; this.fixangle = true; this.velocity = '0 0 0'; DID_CHEAT(); break; } sprint(this, "Emergency teleport could not find a good location, forget it!\n"); break; case CHIMPULSE_R00T.impulse: IS_CHEAT(this, imp, 0, 0); RandomSelection_Init(); FOREACH_CLIENT(IS_PLAYER(it) && !IS_DEAD(it) && DIFF_TEAM(it, this), { RandomSelection_AddEnt(it, 1, 1); }); if(RandomSelection_chosen_ent) e = RandomSelection_chosen_ent; else e = this; Send_Effect(EFFECT_ROCKET_EXPLODE, e.origin, '0 0 0', 1); sound(e, CH_SHOTS, SND_ROCKET_IMPACT, VOL_BASE, ATTEN_NORM); e2 = spawn(); setorigin(e2, e.origin); RadiusDamage(e2, this, 1000, 0, 128, NULL, NULL, 500, DEATH_CHEAT.m_id, DMG_NOWEP, e); delete(e2); LOG_INFO("404 Sportsmanship not found."); DID_CHEAT(); break; } END_CHEAT_FUNCTION(); } float drag_lastcnt; float CheatCommand(entity this, int argc) { BEGIN_CHEAT_FUNCTION(); string cmd; cmd = argv(0); switch(cmd) { float effectnum, f; vector start, end; case "pointparticles": IS_CHEAT(this, 0, argc, 0); if(argc == 5) { f = stof(argv(2)); crosshair_trace(this); start = (1-f) * this.origin + f * trace_endpos; end = stov(argv(3)); f = stof(argv(4)); Send_Effect_(argv(1), start, end, f); DID_CHEAT(); break; } sprint(this, "Usage:^3 sv_cheats 1; restart; cmd pointparticles \n"); sprint(this, " Where is a number from 0 to 1 representing distance on the crosshair line,\n"); sprint(this, " and is a vector \"x y z\"\n"); break; case "trailparticles": IS_CHEAT(this, 0, argc, 0); if(argc == 2) { // arguments: // effectname effectnum = _particleeffectnum(argv(1)); W_SetupShot(this, weaponentities[0], false, false, SND_Null, CH_WEAPON_A, 0, 0); traceline(w_shotorg, w_shotorg + w_shotdir * max_shot_distance, MOVE_NORMAL, this); __trailparticles(this, effectnum, w_shotorg, trace_endpos); DID_CHEAT(); break; } sprint(this, "Usage: sv_cheats 1; restart; cmd trailparticles \n"); break; case "make": IS_CHEAT(this, 0, argc, 0); if(argc == 3) { f = stof(argv(2)); W_SetupShot(this, weaponentities[0], false, false, SND_Null, CH_WEAPON_A, 0, 0); traceline(w_shotorg, w_shotorg + w_shotdir * 2048, MOVE_NORMAL, this); if((trace_dphitq3surfaceflags & Q3SURFACEFLAG_NOIMPACT) || trace_fraction == 1) { sprint(this, "cannot make stuff there (bad surface)\n"); } else { entity e = new(func_breakable); e.model = strzone(argv(1)); e.mdl = "rocket_explode"; SetResourceExplicit(e, RES_HEALTH, 1000); setorigin(e, trace_endpos); e.effects = EF_NOMODELFLAGS; if(f == 1) { e.angles = fixedvectoangles2(trace_plane_normal, v_forward); e.angles = AnglesTransform_ApplyToAngles(e.angles, '-90 0 0'); // so unrotated models work } func_breakable_setup(e); // now, is it valid? if(f == 0) { tracebox(e.origin, e.mins, e.maxs, e.origin, MOVE_NORMAL, e); if(trace_startsolid) { delete(e); sprint(this, "cannot make stuff there (no space)\n"); } else DID_CHEAT(); } else DID_CHEAT(); } } else { sprint(this, "Usage:^3 sv_cheats 1; restart; cmd make \n"); sprint(this, " where can be 0, 1 or 2\n"); } break; case "penalty": IS_CHEAT(this, 0, argc, 0); if(argc == 3) { race_ImposePenaltyTime(this, stof(argv(1)), argv(2)); DID_CHEAT(); break; } sprint(this, "Usage:^3 sv_cheats 1; restart; cmd penalty ))\n"); break; case "dragbox_spawn": { IS_CHEAT(this, 0, argc, 0); entity e = new(dragbox_box); setthink(e, DragBox_Think); e.nextthink = time; e.solid = -1; // black setmodel(e, MDL_Null); // network it if(argc == 4) e.cnt = stof(argv(1)); else e.cnt = max(0, drag_lastcnt); e.aiment = new(dragbox_corner_1); e.aiment.owner = e; setmodel(e.aiment, MDL_MARKER); e.aiment.skin = 0; setsize(e.aiment, '0 0 0', '0 0 0'); if(argc == 4) setorigin(e.aiment, stov(argv(2))); else { crosshair_trace(this); setorigin(e.aiment, trace_endpos); } e.enemy = new(dragbox_corner_2); e.enemy.owner = e; setmodel(e.enemy, MDL_MARKER); e.enemy.skin = 1; setsize(e.enemy, '0 0 0', '0 0 0'); end = normalize(this.origin + this.view_ofs - e.aiment.origin); end.x = (end.x > 0) * 2 - 1; end.y = (end.y > 0) * 2 - 1; end.z = (end.z > 0) * 2 - 1; if(argc == 4) setorigin(e.enemy, stov(argv(3))); else setorigin(e.enemy, e.aiment.origin + 32 * end); e.killindicator = new(drag_digit); e.killindicator.owner = e; setattachment(e.killindicator, e, ""); setorigin(e.killindicator, '0 0 -8'); e.killindicator.killindicator = new(drag_digit); e.killindicator.killindicator.owner = e; setattachment(e.killindicator.killindicator, e, ""); setorigin(e.killindicator.killindicator, '0 0 8'); DID_CHEAT(); break; } case "dragpoint_spawn": { IS_CHEAT(this, 0, argc, 0); entity e = new(dragpoint); setthink(e, DragBox_Think); e.nextthink = time; e.solid = 0; // nothing special setmodel(e, MDL_MARKER); setsize(e, STAT(PL_MIN, this), STAT(PL_MAX, this)); e.skin = 2; if(argc == 3) e.cnt = stof(argv(1)); else e.cnt = drag_lastcnt; if(argc == 3) setorigin(e, stov(argv(2))); else { crosshair_trace(this); setorigin(e, trace_endpos + normalize(this.origin + this.view_ofs - trace_endpos)); move_out_of_solid(e); } e.killindicator = new(drag_digit); e.killindicator.owner = e; setattachment(e.killindicator, e, ""); setorigin(e.killindicator, '0 0 40'); e.killindicator.killindicator = new(drag_digit); e.killindicator.killindicator.owner = e; setattachment(e.killindicator.killindicator, e, ""); setorigin(e.killindicator.killindicator, '0 0 56'); DID_CHEAT(); break; } case "drag_remove": IS_CHEAT(this, 0, argc, 0); RandomSelection_Init(); crosshair_trace(this); for(entity e = NULL; (e = find(e, classname, "dragbox_box")); ) RandomSelection_AddEnt(e, 1, 1 / vlen(e.origin + (e.mins + e.maxs) * 0.5 - trace_endpos)); for(entity e = NULL; (e = find(e, classname, "dragpoint")); ) RandomSelection_AddEnt(e, 1, 1 / vlen(e.origin + (e.mins + e.maxs) * 0.5 - trace_endpos)); if(RandomSelection_chosen_ent) { delete(RandomSelection_chosen_ent.killindicator.killindicator); delete(RandomSelection_chosen_ent.killindicator); if(RandomSelection_chosen_ent.aiment) delete(RandomSelection_chosen_ent.aiment); if(RandomSelection_chosen_ent.enemy) delete(RandomSelection_chosen_ent.enemy); delete(RandomSelection_chosen_ent); } DID_CHEAT(); break; case "drag_setcnt": IS_CHEAT(this, 0, argc, 0); if(argc == 2) { RandomSelection_Init(); crosshair_trace(this); for(entity e = NULL; (e = find(e, classname, "dragbox_box")); ) RandomSelection_AddEnt(e, 1, 1 / vlen(e.origin + (e.mins + e.maxs) * 0.5 - trace_endpos)); for(entity e = NULL; (e = find(e, classname, "dragpoint")); ) RandomSelection_AddEnt(e, 1, 1 / vlen(e.origin + (e.mins + e.maxs) * 0.5 - trace_endpos)); if(RandomSelection_chosen_ent) { if(substring(argv(1), 0, 1) == "*") RandomSelection_chosen_ent.cnt = drag_lastcnt = RandomSelection_chosen_ent.cnt + stof(substring(argv(1), 1, -1)); else RandomSelection_chosen_ent.cnt = drag_lastcnt = stof(argv(1)); } DID_CHEAT(); break; } sprint(this, "Usage:^3 sv_cheats 1; restart; cmd dragbox_setcnt \n"); break; case "drag_save": IS_CHEAT(this, 0, argc, 0); if(argc == 2) { f = fopen(argv(1), FILE_WRITE); fputs(f, "cmd drag_clear\n"); for(entity e = NULL; (e = find(e, classname, "dragbox_box")); ) { fputs(f, strcat("cmd dragbox_spawn ", ftos(e.cnt), " \"", vtos(e.aiment.origin), "\" \"", vtos(e.enemy.origin), "\"\n")); } for(entity e = NULL; (e = find(e, classname, "dragpoint")); ) { fputs(f, strcat("cmd dragpoint_spawn ", ftos(e.cnt), " \"", vtos(e.origin), "\"\n")); } fclose(f); DID_CHEAT(); break; } sprint(this, "Usage:^3 sv_cheats 1; restart; cmd dragbox_save \n"); break; case "drag_saveraceent": IS_CHEAT(this, 0, argc, 0); if(argc == 2) { f = fopen(argv(1), FILE_WRITE); for(entity e = NULL; (e = find(e, classname, "dragbox_box")); ) { fputs(f, "{\n"); fputs(f, "\"classname\" \"trigger_race_checkpoint\"\n"); fputs(f, strcat("\"origin\" \"", ftos(e.absmin.x), " ", ftos(e.absmin.y), " ", ftos(e.absmin.z), "\"\n")); fputs(f, strcat("\"maxs\" \"", ftos(e.absmax.x - e.absmin.x), " ", ftos(e.absmax.y - e.absmin.y), " ", ftos(e.absmax.z - e.absmin.z), "\"\n")); fputs(f, strcat("\"cnt\" \"", ftos(e.cnt), "\"\n")); fputs(f, strcat("\"targetname\" \"checkpoint", ftos(e.cnt), "\"\n")); fputs(f, "}\n"); } for(entity e = NULL; (e = find(e, classname, "dragpoint")); ) { start = '0 0 0'; effectnum = 0; for(entity ent = NULL; (ent = find(ent, classname, "dragbox_box")); ) { if((e.cnt <= 0 && ent.cnt == 0) || e.cnt == ent.cnt) { start = start + ent.origin; ++effectnum; } } start *= 1 / effectnum; fputs(f, "{\n"); fputs(f, "\"classname\" \"info_player_race\"\n"); fputs(f, strcat("\"angle\" \"", ftos(vectoyaw(start - e.origin)), "\"\n")); fputs(f, strcat("\"origin\" \"", ftos(e.origin.x), " ", ftos(e.origin.y), " ", ftos(e.origin.z), "\"\n")); if(e.cnt == -2) { fputs(f, "\"target\" \"checkpoint0\"\n"); fputs(f, "\"race_place\" \"0\"\n"); } else if(e.cnt == -1) { fputs(f, "\"target\" \"checkpoint0\"\n"); fputs(f, "\"race_place\" \"-1\"\n"); } else { fputs(f, strcat("\"target\" \"checkpoint", ftos(e.cnt), "\"\n")); if(e.cnt == 0) { // these need race_place // counting... effectnum = 1; for(entity ent = NULL; (ent = find(ent, classname, "dragpoint")); ) if(ent.cnt == 0) { if(vlen2(ent.origin - start) < vlen2(e.origin - start)) ++effectnum; else if(vlen2(ent.origin - start) == vlen2(e.origin - start) && etof(ent) < etof(e)) ++effectnum; } fputs(f, strcat("\"race_place\" \"", ftos(effectnum), "\"\n")); } } fputs(f, "}\n"); } fclose(f); DID_CHEAT(); break; } sprint(this, "Usage:^3 sv_cheats 1; restart; cmd dragbox_save \n"); break; case "drag_clear": IS_CHEAT(this, 0, argc, 0); for(entity e = NULL; (e = find(e, classname, "dragbox_box")); ) delete(e); for(entity e = NULL; (e = find(e, classname, "dragbox_corner_1")); ) delete(e); for(entity e = NULL; (e = find(e, classname, "dragbox_corner_2")); ) delete(e); for(entity e = NULL; (e = find(e, classname, "dragpoint")); ) delete(e); for(entity e = NULL; (e = find(e, classname, "drag_digit")); ) delete(e); DID_CHEAT(); break; case "god": IS_CHEAT(this, 0, argc, 0); BITXOR_ASSIGN(this.flags, FL_GODMODE); if(this.flags & FL_GODMODE) { sprint(this, "godmode ON\n"); DID_CHEAT(); } else sprint(this, "godmode OFF\n"); break; case "notarget": IS_CHEAT(this, 0, argc, 0); BITXOR_ASSIGN(this.flags, FL_NOTARGET); if(this.flags & FL_NOTARGET) { sprint(this, "notarget ON\n"); DID_CHEAT(); } else sprint(this, "notarget OFF\n"); break; case "noclip": IS_CHEAT(this, 0, argc, 0); if(this.move_movetype != MOVETYPE_NOCLIP) { set_movetype(this, MOVETYPE_NOCLIP); sprint(this, "noclip ON\n"); DID_CHEAT(); } else { set_movetype(this, MOVETYPE_WALK); sprint(this, "noclip OFF\n"); } break; case "fly": IS_CHEAT(this, 0, argc, 0); if(this.move_movetype != MOVETYPE_FLY) { set_movetype(this, MOVETYPE_FLY); sprint(this, "flymode ON\n"); DID_CHEAT(); } else { set_movetype(this, MOVETYPE_WALK); sprint(this, "flymode OFF\n"); } break; case "give": IS_CHEAT(this, 0, argc, 0); if(GiveItems(this, 1, argc)) DID_CHEAT(); break; case "usetarget": IS_CHEAT(this, 0, argc, 0); entity e = spawn(); e.target = argv(1); SUB_UseTargets(e, this, NULL); delete(e); DID_CHEAT(); break; case "killtarget": IS_CHEAT(this, 0, argc, 0); entity e2 = spawn(); e2.killtarget = argv(1); SUB_UseTargets(e2, this, NULL); delete(e2); DID_CHEAT(); break; case "teleporttotarget": IS_CHEAT(this, 0, argc, 0); entity ent = new(cheattriggerteleport); setorigin(ent, ent.origin); ent.target = argv(1); teleport_findtarget(ent); if(!wasfreed(ent)) { Simple_TeleportPlayer(ent, this); delete(ent); DID_CHEAT(); } break; } END_CHEAT_FUNCTION(); } .entity dragentity; float CheatFrame(entity this) { BEGIN_CHEAT_FUNCTION(); // Dragging can be used as either a cheat, or a function for some objects. If sv_cheats is active, // the cheat dragging is used (unlimited pickup range and any entity can be carried). If sv_cheats // is disabled, normal dragging is used (limited pickup range and only dragable objects can be carried), // grabbing itself no longer being accounted as cheating. switch(0) { default: if(this.maycheat || (gamestart_sv_cheats && autocvar_sv_cheats)) { // use cheat dragging if cheats are enabled //if(Drag_IsDragging(this)) //crosshair_trace_plusvisibletriggers(this); Drag(this, true, true); } else { Drag(this, false, false); // execute dragging } break; } END_CHEAT_FUNCTION(); } // ENTITY DRAGGING // on dragger: .float draggravity; .float dragspeed; // speed of mouse wheel action .float dragdistance; // distance of dragentity's draglocalvector from view_ofs .vector draglocalvector; // local attachment vector of the dragentity .float draglocalangle; // on draggee: .entity draggedby; .float dragmovetype; float Drag(entity this, float force_allow_pick, float ischeat) { BEGIN_CHEAT_FUNCTION(); // returns true when an entity has been picked up // If pick is true, the object can also be picked up if it's not being held already // If pick is false, only keep dragging the object if it's already being held switch(0) { default: if(Drag_IsDragging(this)) { if(PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_DRAG(this)) { if(CS(this).impulse == 10 || CS(this).impulse == 15 || CS(this).impulse == 18) { Drag_MoveForward(this); CS(this).impulse = 0; } else if(CS(this).impulse == 12 || CS(this).impulse == 16 || CS(this).impulse == 19) { Drag_MoveBackward(this); CS(this).impulse = 0; } else if(CS(this).impulse >= 1 && CS(this).impulse <= 9) { Drag_SetSpeed(this, CS(this).impulse - 1); } else if(CS(this).impulse == 14) { Drag_SetSpeed(this, 9); } if(frametime) Drag_Update(this); } else { Drag_Finish(this); } } else if(Drag_CanDrag(this) && PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_DRAG(this)) { crosshair_trace_plusvisibletriggers(this); entity e = trace_ent; float pick = force_allow_pick; if (e && !pick && vdist(this.origin - e.origin, <=, autocvar_g_grab_range)) { // pick is true if the object can be picked up. While an object is being carried, the Drag() function // must execute for it either way, otherwise it would cause bugs if it went out of the player's trace. // This also makes sure that an object can only pe picked up if in range, but does not get dropped if // it goes out of range while slinging it around. switch(e.grab) { case 0: // can't grab break; case 1: // owner can grab if(e.owner == this || e.realowner == this) pick = true; break; case 2: // owner and team mates can grab if(SAME_TEAM(e.owner, this) || SAME_TEAM(e.realowner, this) || e.team == this.team) pick = true; break; case 3: // anyone can grab pick = true; break; default: break; } } // Find e and pick if(e && pick && Drag_IsDraggable(e, this)) { if(ischeat) IS_CHEAT(this, 0, 0, CHRAME_DRAG); if(e.draggedby) Drag_Finish(e.draggedby); if(e.tag_entity) detach_sameorigin(e); Drag_Begin(this, e, trace_endpos); if(ischeat) DID_CHEAT(); return true; } } break; } return false; } void Drag_Begin(entity dragger, entity draggee, vector touchpoint) { float tagscale; draggee.dragmovetype = draggee.move_movetype; draggee.draggravity = draggee.gravity; set_movetype(draggee, MOVETYPE_WALK); draggee.gravity = 0.00001; UNSET_ONGROUND(draggee); draggee.draggedby = dragger; dragger.dragentity = draggee; dragger.dragdistance = vlen(touchpoint - dragger.origin - dragger.view_ofs); dragger.draglocalangle = draggee.angles.y - dragger.v_angle.y; touchpoint = touchpoint - gettaginfo(draggee, 0); tagscale = (vlen(v_forward) ** -2); dragger.draglocalvector_x = touchpoint * v_forward * tagscale; dragger.draglocalvector_y = touchpoint * v_right * tagscale; dragger.draglocalvector_z = touchpoint * v_up * tagscale; dragger.dragspeed = 64; } void Drag_Finish(entity dragger) { entity draggee; draggee = dragger.dragentity; if(dragger) dragger.dragentity = NULL; draggee.draggedby = NULL; set_movetype(draggee, draggee.dragmovetype); draggee.gravity = draggee.draggravity; switch(draggee.move_movetype) { case MOVETYPE_TOSS: case MOVETYPE_WALK: case MOVETYPE_STEP: case MOVETYPE_FLYMISSILE: case MOVETYPE_BOUNCE: case MOVETYPE_BOUNCEMISSILE: case MOVETYPE_PHYSICS: break; default: draggee.velocity = '0 0 0'; break; } if((draggee.flags & FL_ITEM) && (vdist(draggee.velocity, <, 32))) { draggee.velocity = '0 0 0'; SET_ONGROUND(draggee); // floating items are FUN } } bool drag_undraggable(entity draggee, entity dragger) { // stuff probably shouldn't need this, we should figure out why they do! // exceptions of course are observers and weapon entities, where things mess up return false; } float Drag_IsDraggable(entity draggee, entity dragger) { // TODO add more checks for bad stuff here if(draggee == NULL) return false; if(draggee.classname == "door") // FIXME find out why these must be excluded, or work around the problem (trying to drag these causes like 4 fps) return false; // probably due to BSP collision //if(draggee.model == "") // return false; return ((draggee.draggable) ? draggee.draggable(draggee, dragger) : true); } float Drag_MayChangeAngles(entity draggee) { // TODO add more checks for bad stuff here if(substring(draggee.model, 0, 1) == "*") return false; return true; } void Drag_MoveForward(entity dragger) { dragger.dragdistance += dragger.dragspeed; } void Drag_SetSpeed(entity dragger, float s) { dragger.dragspeed = (2 ** s); } void Drag_MoveBackward(entity dragger) { dragger.dragdistance = max(0, dragger.dragdistance - dragger.dragspeed); } void Drag_Update(entity dragger) { vector curorigin, neworigin, goodvelocity; float f; entity draggee; draggee = dragger.dragentity; UNSET_ONGROUND(draggee); curorigin = gettaginfo(draggee, 0); curorigin = curorigin + v_forward * dragger.draglocalvector.x + v_right * dragger.draglocalvector.y + v_up * dragger.draglocalvector.z; makevectors(dragger.v_angle); neworigin = dragger.origin + dragger.view_ofs + v_forward * dragger.dragdistance; goodvelocity = (neworigin - curorigin) * (1 / frametime); while(draggee.angles.y - dragger.v_angle.y - dragger.draglocalangle > 180) dragger.draglocalangle += 360; while(draggee.angles.y - dragger.v_angle.y - dragger.draglocalangle <= -180) dragger.draglocalangle -= 360; f = min(frametime * 10, 1); draggee.velocity = draggee.velocity * (1 - f) + goodvelocity * f; if(Drag_MayChangeAngles(draggee)) draggee.angles_y = draggee.angles.y * (1 - f) + (dragger.v_angle.y + dragger.draglocalangle) * f; draggee.ltime = max(servertime + serverframetime, draggee.ltime); // fixes func_train breakage vector vecs = '0 0 0'; .entity weaponentity = weaponentities[0]; // TODO: unhardcode if(dragger.(weaponentity).movedir.x > 0) vecs = dragger.(weaponentity).movedir; vector dv = v_right * -vecs_y + v_up * vecs_z; te_lightning1(draggee, dragger.origin + dragger.view_ofs + dv, curorigin); } float Drag_CanDrag(entity dragger) { return (!IS_DEAD(dragger)) || (IS_PLAYER(dragger)); } float Drag_IsDragging(entity dragger) { if(!dragger.dragentity) return false; if(wasfreed(dragger.dragentity) || dragger.dragentity.draggedby != dragger) { dragger.dragentity = NULL; return false; } if(!Drag_CanDrag(dragger) || !Drag_IsDraggable(dragger.dragentity, dragger)) { Drag_Finish(dragger); return false; } return true; } void Drag_MoveDrag(entity from, entity to) { if(from.draggedby) { to.draggedby = from.draggedby; to.draggedby.dragentity = to; from.draggedby = NULL; } } void DragBox_Think(entity this) { if(this.aiment && this.enemy) { this.origin_x = (this.aiment.origin.x + this.enemy.origin.x) * 0.5; this.origin_y = (this.aiment.origin.y + this.enemy.origin.y) * 0.5; this.origin_z = (this.aiment.origin.z + this.enemy.origin.z) * 0.5; this.maxs_x = fabs(this.aiment.origin.x - this.enemy.origin.x) * 0.5; this.maxs_y = fabs(this.aiment.origin.y - this.enemy.origin.y) * 0.5; this.maxs_z = fabs(this.aiment.origin.z - this.enemy.origin.z) * 0.5; this.mins = -1 * this.maxs; setorigin(this, this.origin); setsize(this, this.mins, this.maxs); // link edict } if(this.cnt == -1) // actually race_place -1 { // show "10 10" for qualifying spawns setmodel(this.killindicator, MDL_NUM(10)); setmodel(this.killindicator.killindicator, MDL_NUM(10)); } else if(this.cnt == -2) // actually race_place 0 { // show "10 0" for loser spawns setmodel(this.killindicator, MDL_NUM(10)); setmodel(this.killindicator.killindicator, MDL_NUM(0)); } else { setmodel(this.killindicator, MDL_NUM(this.cnt % 10)); setmodel(this.killindicator.killindicator, MDL_NUM(floor(this.cnt / 10))); } this.nextthink = time; } #endif