#include "slider.qh" #include "../anim/easing.qh" #include "../anim/animhost.qh" .entity applyButton; void Slider_setValue_allowAnim(entity me, float val, bool allowAnim) { if (allowAnim && me.animated) { float t = 0.5; if (!me.sliderAnim) me.sliderAnim = makeHostedEasing(me, Slider_setSliderValue, easingQuadOut, t, me.sliderValue, val); else me.sliderAnim.update(me.sliderAnim, t, me.sliderValue, val); } else { me.setSliderValue(me, val); } me.value = val; } void Slider_setValue_noAnim(entity me, float val) { Slider_setValue_allowAnim(me, val, false); } void Slider_setValue(entity me, float val) { Slider_setValue_allowAnim(me, val, true); } void Slider_setSliderValue(entity me, float val) { me.sliderValue = val; } string Slider_toString(entity me) { return sprintf("%d (%s)", me.value, me.valueToText(me, me.value)); } void Slider_resizeNotify(entity me, vector relOrigin, vector relSize, vector absOrigin, vector absSize) { SUPER(Slider).resizeNotify(me, relOrigin, relSize, absOrigin, absSize); me.controlWidth = absSize.x == 0 ? 0 : (absSize.y / absSize.x); } string Slider_valueToText(entity me, float val) { if (almost_in_bounds(me.valueMin, val, me.valueMax)) return ftos_decimals(val * me.valueDisplayMultiplier, me.valueDigits); return ""; } void Slider_configureSliderVisuals(entity me, float sz, float theAlign, float theTextSpace, string gfx) { SUPER(Slider).configureLabel(me, string_null, sz, theAlign); me.textSpace = theTextSpace; me.keepspaceLeft = (theTextSpace == 0) ? 0 : (1 - theTextSpace); me.src = gfx; } void Slider_configureSliderValues(entity me, float theValueMin, float theValue, float theValueMax, float theValueStep, float theValueKeyStep, float theValuePageStep) { me.value = theValue; me.sliderValue = theValue; me.valueStep = theValueStep; me.valueMin = theValueMin; me.valueMax = theValueMax; me.valueKeyStep = theValueKeyStep; me.valuePageStep = theValuePageStep; me.valueDigits = 3; if (fabs(floor(me.valueStep * 100 + 0.5) - (me.valueStep * 100)) < 0.01) // about a whole number of 100ths me.valueDigits = 2; if (fabs(floor(me.valueStep * 10 + 0.5) - (me.valueStep * 10)) < 0.01) // about a whole number of 10ths me.valueDigits = 1; if (fabs(floor(me.valueStep * 1 + 0.5) - (me.valueStep * 1)) < 0.01) // about a whole number me.valueDigits = 0; } float Slider_keyDown(entity me, float key, float ascii, float shift) { float inRange; float ret_value = 0; if (me.disabled) return 0; inRange = (almost_in_bounds(me.valueMin, me.value, me.valueMax)); if (key == K_LEFTARROW || key == K_KP_LEFTARROW || key == K_MWHEELDOWN) { if (inRange) me.setValue(me, median(me.valueMin, me.value - me.valueKeyStep, me.valueMax)); else me.setValue(me, me.valueMax); ret_value = 1; } if (key == K_RIGHTARROW || key == K_KP_RIGHTARROW || key == K_MWHEELUP) { if (inRange) me.setValue(me, median(me.valueMin, me.value + me.valueKeyStep, me.valueMax)); else me.setValue(me, me.valueMin); ret_value = 1; } if (key == K_PGDN || key == K_KP_PGDN) { if (inRange) me.setValue(me, median(me.valueMin, me.value - me.valuePageStep, me.valueMax)); else me.setValue(me, me.valueMax); ret_value = 1; } if (key == K_PGUP || key == K_KP_PGUP) { if (inRange) me.setValue(me, median(me.valueMin, me.value + me.valuePageStep, me.valueMax)); else me.setValue(me, me.valueMin); ret_value = 1; } if (key == K_HOME || key == K_KP_HOME) { me.setValue(me, me.valueMin); ret_value = 1; } if (key == K_END || key == K_KP_END) { me.setValue(me, me.valueMax); ret_value = 1; } if(ret_value == 1) { if(me.applyButton) me.applyButton.disabled = false; return 1; } // TODO more keys (NOTE also add them to Slider_keyUp) return 0; } float Slider_keyUp(entity me, float key, float ascii, float shift) { if (me.disabled) return 0; switch (key) { case K_LEFTARROW: case K_KP_LEFTARROW: case K_RIGHTARROW: case K_KP_RIGHTARROW: case K_PGUP: case K_KP_PGUP: case K_PGDN: case K_KP_PGDN: case K_HOME: case K_KP_HOME: case K_END: case K_KP_END: m_play_click_sound(MENU_SOUND_SLIDE); } return 0; } float Slider_mouseDrag(entity me, vector pos) { float hit; float v; if (me.disabled) return 0; if (me.pressed) { hit = 1; if (pos.x < 0 - me.tolerance.x) hit = 0; if (pos.y < 0 - me.tolerance.y) hit = 0; if (pos.x >= 1 - me.textSpace + me.tolerance.x) hit = 0; if (pos.y >= 1 + me.tolerance.y) hit = 0; if (hit) { // handle dragging me.pressed = 2; float f = bound(0, (pos.x - me.pressOffset - 0.5 * me.controlWidth) / (1 - me.textSpace - me.controlWidth), 1); v = f * (me.valueMax - me.valueMin) + me.valueMin; // there's no need to round min and max value... also if we did, v could be set // to an out of bounds value due to precision errors if (f > 0 && f < 1 && me.valueStep) v = floor(0.5 + v / me.valueStep) * me.valueStep; me.setValue_noAnim(me, v); if(me.applyButton) if(me.previousValue != me.value) me.applyButton.disabled = false; } else { me.setValue(me, me.previousValue); } } return 1; } METHOD(Slider, mousePress, bool(Slider this, vector pos)) { float controlCenter; if (this.disabled) return false; if (pos.x < 0) return false; if (pos.y < 0) return false; if (pos.x >= 1 - this.textSpace) return false; if (pos.y >= 1) return false; controlCenter = (this.value - this.valueMin) / (this.valueMax - this.valueMin) * (1 - this.textSpace - this.controlWidth) + 0.5 * this.controlWidth; if (fabs(pos.x - controlCenter) <= 0.5 * this.controlWidth) { this.pressed = 1; this.pressOffset = pos.x - controlCenter; this.previousValue = this.value; // this.mouseDrag(this, pos); } else { float clickValue, pageValue, inRange; clickValue = median(0, (pos.x - this.pressOffset - 0.5 * this.controlWidth) / (1 - this.textSpace - this.controlWidth), 1) * (this.valueMax - this.valueMin) + this.valueMin; inRange = (almost_in_bounds(this.valueMin, this.value, this.valueMax)); if (pos.x < controlCenter) { pageValue = this.value - this.valuePageStep; if (this.valueStep) clickValue = floor(clickValue / this.valueStep) * this.valueStep; pageValue = max(pageValue, clickValue); } else { pageValue = this.value + this.valuePageStep; if (this.valueStep) clickValue = ceil(clickValue / this.valueStep) * this.valueStep; pageValue = min(pageValue, clickValue); } if (inRange) this.setValue(this, median(this.valueMin, pageValue, this.valueMax)); else this.setValue(this, this.valueMax); if(this.applyButton) this.applyButton.disabled = false; if (pageValue == clickValue) { controlCenter = (this.value - this.valueMin) / (this.valueMax - this.valueMin) * (1 - this.textSpace - this.controlWidth) + 0.5 * this.controlWidth; this.pressed = 1; this.pressOffset = pos.x - controlCenter; this.previousValue = this.value; // this.mouseDrag(this, pos); } } return true; } float Slider_mouseRelease(entity me, vector pos) { me.pressed = 0; if (me.disabled) return 0; m_play_click_sound(MENU_SOUND_SLIDE); return 1; } void Slider_showNotify(entity me) { me.focusable = !me.disabled; } void Slider_draw(entity me) { float controlLeft; float save; me.focusable = !me.disabled; save = draw_alpha; if (me.disabled) draw_alpha *= me.disabledAlpha; draw_ButtonPicture('0 0 0', strcat(me.src, "_s"), eX * (1 - me.textSpace) + eY, me.color2, 1); if (me.valueMax > me.valueMin) // valid? if (almost_in_bounds(me.valueMin, me.sliderValue, me.valueMax)) { controlLeft = (me.sliderValue - me.valueMin) / (me.valueMax - me.valueMin) * (1 - me.textSpace - me.controlWidth); if (me.disabled) draw_Picture(eX * controlLeft, strcat(me.src, "_d"), eX * me.controlWidth + eY, me.colorD, 1); else if (me.pressed) draw_Picture(eX * controlLeft, strcat(me.src, "_c"), eX * me.controlWidth + eY, me.colorC, 1); else if (me.focused) draw_Picture(eX * controlLeft, strcat(me.src, "_f"), eX * me.controlWidth + eY, me.colorF, 1); else draw_Picture(eX * controlLeft, strcat(me.src, "_n"), eX * me.controlWidth + eY, me.color, 1); } if (me.sliderAnim) if (me.sliderAnim.isFinished(me.sliderAnim)) { anim.removeObjAnim(anim, me); me.sliderAnim = NULL; } if (me.valueMax > me.valueMin) // valid? me.setText(me, me.valueToText(me, me.value)); draw_alpha = save; SUPER(Slider).draw(me); me.text = string_null; // TEMPSTRING! }