#include "tuba.qh" #ifdef SVQC .entity tuba_note; .float tuba_smoketime; #define MAX_TUBANOTES 32 .float tuba_lastnotes_last; .float tuba_lastnotes_cnt; // over .vector tuba_lastnotes[MAX_TUBANOTES]; bool W_Tuba_HasPlayed(entity pl, .entity weaponentity, string melody, int instrument, bool ignorepitch, float mintempo, float maxtempo) { float i, j, mmin, mmax, nolength; float n = tokenize_console(melody); if(n > pl.(weaponentity).tuba_lastnotes_cnt) return false; float pitchshift = 0; if(instrument >= 0) if(pl.(weaponentity).tuba_instrument != instrument) return false; // verify notes... nolength = false; for(i = 0; i < n; ++i) { vector v = pl.(weaponentity).(tuba_lastnotes[(pl.(weaponentity).tuba_lastnotes_last - i + MAX_TUBANOTES) % MAX_TUBANOTES]); float ai = stof(argv(n - i - 1)); float np = floor(ai); if(ai == np) nolength = true; // n counts the last played notes BACKWARDS // _x is start // _y is end // _z is note pitch if(ignorepitch && i == 0) { pitchshift = np - v.z; } else { if(v.z + pitchshift != np) return false; } } // now we know the right NOTES were played if(!nolength) { // verify rhythm... float ti = 0; if(maxtempo > 0) mmin = 240 / maxtempo; // 60 = "0.25 means 1 sec", at 120 0.5 means 1 sec, at 240 1 means 1 sec else mmin = 0; if(mintempo > 0) mmax = 240 / mintempo; // 60 = "0.25 means 1 sec", at 120 0.5 means 1 sec, at 240 1 means 1 sec else mmax = 240; // you won't try THAT hard... (tempo 1) //printf("initial tempo rules: %f %f\n", mmin, mmax); for(i = 0; i < n; ++i) { vector vi = pl.(weaponentity).(tuba_lastnotes[(pl.(weaponentity).tuba_lastnotes_last - i + MAX_TUBANOTES) % MAX_TUBANOTES]); float ai = stof(argv(n - i - 1)); ti -= 1 / (ai - floor(ai)); float tj = ti; for(j = i+1; j < n; ++j) { vector vj = pl.(weaponentity).(tuba_lastnotes[(pl.(weaponentity).tuba_lastnotes_last - j + MAX_TUBANOTES) % MAX_TUBANOTES]); float aj = stof(argv(n - j - 1)); tj -= (aj - floor(aj)); // note i should be at m*ti+b // note j should be at m*tj+b // so: // we have a LINE l, so that // vi_x <= l(ti) <= vi_y // vj_x <= l(tj) <= vj_y // what is m? // vi_x <= vi_y <= vj_x <= vj_y // ti <= tj //printf("first note: %f to %f, should be %f\n", vi_x, vi_y, ti); //printf("second note: %f to %f, should be %f\n", vj_x, vj_y, tj); //printf("m1 = %f\n", (vi_x - vj_y) / (ti - tj)); //printf("m2 = %f\n", (vi_y - vj_x) / (ti - tj)); mmin = max(mmin, (vi.x - vj.y) / (ti - tj)); // lower bound mmax = min(mmax, (vi.y - vj.x) / (ti - tj)); // upper bound } } if(mmin > mmax) // rhythm fail return false; } pl.(weaponentity).tuba_lastnotes_cnt = 0; return true; } void W_Tuba_NoteOff(entity this) { entity actor = this.owner; // we have a note: // on: this.spawnshieldtime // off: time // note: this.cnt .entity weaponentity = this.weaponentity_fld; if (actor.(weaponentity).tuba_note == this) { actor.(weaponentity).tuba_lastnotes_last = (actor.(weaponentity).tuba_lastnotes_last + 1) % MAX_TUBANOTES; actor.(weaponentity).(tuba_lastnotes[actor.(weaponentity).tuba_lastnotes_last]) = vec3(this.spawnshieldtime, time, this.cnt); actor.(weaponentity).tuba_note = NULL; actor.(weaponentity).tuba_lastnotes_cnt = bound(0, actor.(weaponentity).tuba_lastnotes_cnt + 1, MAX_TUBANOTES); string s = trigger_magicear_processmessage_forallears(actor, 0, NULL, string_null); if (s != "") { // simulate a server message switch (this.tuba_instrument) { default: case 0: // Tuba bprint(strcat("\{1}\{13}* ^3", actor.netname, "^3 played on the @!#%'n Tuba: ^7", s, "\n")); break; case 1: bprint(strcat("\{1}\{13}* ^3", actor.netname, "^3 played on the @!#%'n Accordeon: ^7", s, "\n")); break; case 2: bprint(strcat("\{1}\{13}* ^3", actor.netname, "^3 played on the @!#%'n Klein Bottle: ^7", s, "\n")); break; } } } delete(this); } int W_Tuba_GetNote(entity pl, int hittype) { float movestate = 5; if (CS(pl).movement.x < 0) movestate -= 3; else if (CS(pl).movement.x > 0) movestate += 3; if (CS(pl).movement.y < 0) movestate -= 1; else if (CS(pl).movement.y > 0) movestate += 1; int note = 0; switch (movestate) { // layout: originally I wanted // eb e e#=f // B c d // Gb G G# // but then you only use forward and right key. So to make things more // interesting, I swapped B with e#. Har har har... // eb e B // f=e# c d // Gb G G# case 1: note = -6; break; // Gb case 2: note = -5; break; // G case 3: note = -4; break; // G# case 4: note = +5; break; // e# default: case 5: note = 0; break; // c case 6: note = +2; break; // d case 7: note = +3; break; // eb case 8: note = +4; break; // e case 9: note = -1; break; // B } if(PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_CROUCH(pl)) note -= 12; if(PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_JUMP(pl)) note += 12; if(hittype & HITTYPE_SECONDARY) note += 7; // we support two kinds of tubas, those tuned in Eb and those tuned in C // kind of tuba currently is player slot number, or team number if in // teamplay // that way, holes in the range of notes are "plugged" if(teamplay) { if(pl.team == NUM_TEAM_2 || pl.team == NUM_TEAM_4) note += 3; } else { if(pl.clientcolors & 1) note += 3; } // total range of notes: // 0 // *** ** **** // *** ** **** // *** ** **** // *** ** **** // *** ********************* **** // -18.........................+12 // *** ********************* **** // -18............................+15 // with jump: ... +24 // ... +27 return note; } bool W_Tuba_NoteSendEntity(entity this, entity to, int sf) { msg_entity = to; if (!sound_allowed(MSG_ONE, this.realowner)) return false; WriteHeader(MSG_ENTITY, ENT_CLIENT_TUBANOTE); WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, sf); if (sf & 1) { WriteChar(MSG_ENTITY, this.cnt); int f = 0; f |= 1 * (this.realowner != to); f |= 2 * this.tuba_instrument; WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, f); } if (sf & 2) { WriteVector(MSG_ENTITY, this.origin); } return true; } void W_Tuba_NoteThink(entity this) { float dist_mult; float vol0, vol1; vector dir0, dir1; vector v; if(time > this.teleport_time) { W_Tuba_NoteOff(this); return; } this.nextthink = time; dist_mult = WEP_CVAR(WEP_TUBA, attenuation) / autocvar_snd_soundradius; FOREACH_CLIENT(IS_REAL_CLIENT(it) && it != this.realowner, { v = this.origin - (it.origin + it.view_ofs); vol0 = max(0, 1 - vlen(v) * dist_mult); dir0 = normalize(v); v = this.realowner.origin - (it.origin + it.view_ofs); vol1 = max(0, 1 - vlen(v) * dist_mult); dir1 = normalize(v); if(fabs(vol0 - vol1) > 0.005) // 0.5 percent change in volume { setorigin(this, this.realowner.origin); this.SendFlags |= 2; break; } if(dir0 * dir1 < 0.9994) // 2 degrees change in angle { setorigin(this, this.realowner.origin); this.SendFlags |= 2; break; } }); } void W_Tuba_NoteOn(entity actor, .entity weaponentity, float hittype) { float n = W_Tuba_GetNote(actor, hittype); hittype = HITTYPE_SOUND; if(actor.(weaponentity).tuba_instrument & 1) hittype |= HITTYPE_SECONDARY; if(actor.(weaponentity).tuba_instrument & 2) hittype |= HITTYPE_BOUNCE; W_SetupShot(actor, weaponentity, false, 2, SND_Null, 0, WEP_CVAR(WEP_TUBA, damage), hittype | WEP_TUBA.m_id); if(actor.(weaponentity).tuba_note) { if(actor.(weaponentity).tuba_note.cnt != n || actor.(weaponentity).tuba_note.tuba_instrument != actor.(weaponentity).tuba_instrument) { W_Tuba_NoteOff(actor.(weaponentity).tuba_note); } } if(!actor.(weaponentity).tuba_note) { entity note = new(tuba_note); note.weaponentity_fld = weaponentity; actor.(weaponentity).tuba_note = note; note.owner = note.realowner = actor; note.cnt = n; note.tuba_instrument = actor.(weaponentity).tuba_instrument; setthink(note, W_Tuba_NoteThink); note.nextthink = time; note.spawnshieldtime = time; Net_LinkEntity(note, false, 0, W_Tuba_NoteSendEntity); } actor.(weaponentity).tuba_note.teleport_time = time + WEP_CVAR(WEP_TUBA, refire) * 2 * W_WeaponRateFactor(actor); // so it can get prolonged safely //sound(actor, c, TUBA_NOTE(n), bound(0, VOL_BASE * cvar("g_balance_tuba_volume"), 1), autocvar_g_balance_tuba_attenuation); RadiusDamage(actor, actor, WEP_CVAR(WEP_TUBA, damage), WEP_CVAR(WEP_TUBA, edgedamage), WEP_CVAR(WEP_TUBA, radius), NULL, NULL, WEP_CVAR(WEP_TUBA, force), hittype | WEP_TUBA.m_id, weaponentity, NULL); if(time > actor.(weaponentity).tuba_smoketime) { // FIXME gettaginfo(actor.(weaponentity), 0) doesn't return the real origin of the weapon vector org = gettaginfo(actor.(weaponentity), 0); if(actor.(weaponentity).tuba_instrument == 1) Send_Effect(EFFECT_SMOKE_RING, org + v_up * 25 + v_right * 10 + v_forward * 14, v_up * 100, 1); else if(actor.(weaponentity).tuba_instrument == 2) Send_Effect(EFFECT_SMOKE_RING, org + v_up * 50 + v_right * 10 + v_forward * 45, v_up * 100, 1); else Send_Effect(EFFECT_SMOKE_RING, org + v_up * 40 + v_right * 10 + v_forward * 14, v_up * 100, 1); actor.(weaponentity).tuba_smoketime = time + 0.25; } } #endif #ifdef SVQC METHOD(Tuba, wr_aim, void(Tuba this, entity actor, .entity weaponentity)) { // bots cannot play the Tuba well yet // I think they should start with the recorder first if (vdist((actor.origin - actor.enemy.origin), <, WEP_CVAR(WEP_TUBA, radius))) { if (random() > 0.5) PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK(actor) = true; else PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK2(actor) = true; } } METHOD(Tuba, wr_think, void(Tuba this, entity actor, .entity weaponentity, int fire)) { if (fire & 1) if (weapon_prepareattack(this, actor, weaponentity, false, WEP_CVAR(WEP_TUBA, refire))) { W_Tuba_NoteOn(actor, weaponentity, 0); weapon_thinkf(actor, weaponentity, WFRAME_IDLE, WEP_CVAR(WEP_TUBA, animtime), w_ready); } if (fire & 2) if (weapon_prepareattack(this, actor, weaponentity, true, WEP_CVAR(WEP_TUBA, refire))) { W_Tuba_NoteOn(actor, weaponentity, HITTYPE_SECONDARY); weapon_thinkf(actor, weaponentity, WFRAME_IDLE, WEP_CVAR(WEP_TUBA, animtime), w_ready); } if (actor.(weaponentity).tuba_note) { if (!(fire & 1) && !(fire & 2)) { W_Tuba_NoteOff(actor.(weaponentity).tuba_note); } } } METHOD(Tuba, wr_setup, void(Tuba this, entity actor, .entity weaponentity)) { actor.(weaponentity).tuba_instrument = 0; } METHOD(Tuba, wr_reload, void(Tuba this, entity actor, .entity weaponentity)) { // switch to alternate instruments :) if (actor.(weaponentity).state == WS_READY) { switch (actor.(weaponentity).tuba_instrument) { case 0: actor.(weaponentity).tuba_instrument = 1; actor.(weaponentity).weaponname = "akordeon"; break; case 1: actor.(weaponentity).tuba_instrument = 2; actor.(weaponentity).weaponname = "kleinbottle"; break; case 2: actor.(weaponentity).tuba_instrument = 0; actor.(weaponentity).weaponname = "tuba"; break; } int hittype = 0; if(actor.(weaponentity).tuba_instrument & 1) hittype |= HITTYPE_SECONDARY; if(actor.(weaponentity).tuba_instrument & 2) hittype |= HITTYPE_BOUNCE; W_SetupShot(actor, weaponentity, false, 0, SND_Null, 0, 0, hittype | WEP_TUBA.m_id); Send_Effect(EFFECT_TELEPORT, w_shotorg, '0 0 0', 1); actor.(weaponentity).state = WS_INUSE; weapon_thinkf(actor, weaponentity, WFRAME_RELOAD, 0.5, w_ready); } } #endif #ifdef SVQC // infinite ammo METHOD(Tuba, wr_checkammo1, bool(Tuba this, entity actor, .entity weaponentity)) { return true; } METHOD(Tuba, wr_checkammo2, bool(Tuba this, entity actor, .entity weaponentity)) { return true; } METHOD(Tuba, wr_suicidemessage, Notification(Tuba this)) { if (w_deathtype & HITTYPE_BOUNCE) return WEAPON_KLEINBOTTLE_SUICIDE; else if (w_deathtype & HITTYPE_SECONDARY) return WEAPON_ACCORDEON_SUICIDE; else return WEAPON_TUBA_SUICIDE; } METHOD(Tuba, wr_killmessage, Notification(Tuba this)) { if (w_deathtype & HITTYPE_BOUNCE) return WEAPON_KLEINBOTTLE_MURDER; else if (w_deathtype & HITTYPE_SECONDARY) return WEAPON_ACCORDEON_MURDER; else return WEAPON_TUBA_MURDER; } #elif defined(CSQC) METHOD(Tuba, wr_viewmodel, string(Tuba this, entity wep)) { return (wep.tuba_instrument == 0) ? "tuba" : (wep.tuba_instrument == 1) ? "akordeon" : "kleinbottle"; } #endif #ifdef CSQC #define TUBA_STARTNOTE(i, n) _Sound_fixpath(W_Sound(strcat("tuba", (i ? ftos(i) : ""), "_loopnote", ftos(n)))) const int TUBA_MIN = -18; const int TUBA_MAX = 27; const int TUBA_INSTRUMENTS = 3; int Tuba_PitchStep; void tubasound(entity e, bool restart) { string snd1 = string_null; if (Tuba_PitchStep) { float vol1 = 1; float speed1 = 1; string snd2 = string_null; float vol2 = 0; float speed2 = 1; int m = pymod(e.note, Tuba_PitchStep); if (m) { if (e.note - m < TUBA_MIN) { if (restart) { snd1 = TUBA_STARTNOTE(e.tuba_instrument, e.note - m + Tuba_PitchStep); } speed1 = (2.0 ** ((m - Tuba_PitchStep) / 12.0)); } else if (e.note - m + Tuba_PitchStep > TUBA_MAX) { if (restart) { snd1 = TUBA_STARTNOTE(e.tuba_instrument, e.note - m); } speed1 = (2.0 ** (m / 12.0)); } else { if (restart) { snd1 = TUBA_STARTNOTE(e.tuba_instrument, e.note - m); } vol1 = cos(M_PI_2 * m / Tuba_PitchStep); speed1 = (2.0 ** (m / 12.0)); if (restart) { snd2 = TUBA_STARTNOTE(e.tuba_instrument, e.note - m + Tuba_PitchStep); } vol2 = sin(M_PI_2 * m / Tuba_PitchStep); speed2 = (2.0 ** ((m - Tuba_PitchStep) / 12.0)); } } else if (restart) { snd1 = TUBA_STARTNOTE(e.tuba_instrument, e.note); } sound7(e, CH_TUBA_SINGLE, snd1, e.tuba_volume * vol1, e.tuba_attenuate * autocvar_g_balance_tuba_attenuation, 100 * speed1, 0); if (vol2) { sound7(e.enemy, CH_TUBA_SINGLE, snd2, e.tuba_volume * vol2, e.tuba_attenuate * autocvar_g_balance_tuba_attenuation, 100 * speed2, 0); } } else { if (restart) { snd1 = TUBA_STARTNOTE(e.tuba_instrument, e.note); } _sound(e, CH_TUBA_SINGLE, snd1, e.tuba_volume, e.tuba_attenuate * autocvar_g_balance_tuba_attenuation); } } void Ent_TubaNote_Think(entity this) { float f = autocvar_g_balance_tuba_fadetime; if (f > 0) { this.tuba_volume -= frametime * this.tuba_volume_initial / f; } else { this.tuba_volume = 0; } this.nextthink = time; if (this.tuba_volume <= 0) { sound(this, CH_TUBA_SINGLE, SND_Null, 0, 0); if (this.enemy) { sound(this.enemy, CH_TUBA_SINGLE, SND_Null, 0, 0); delete(this.enemy); } delete(this); } else { tubasound(this, 0); } } void Ent_TubaNote_UpdateSound(entity this) { this.enemy.tuba_volume = bound(0, VOL_BASE * autocvar_g_balance_tuba_volume, 1); this.enemy.tuba_volume_initial = this.enemy.tuba_volume; this.enemy.note = this.note; this.enemy.tuba_instrument = this.tuba_instrument; tubasound(this.enemy, 1); } void Ent_TubaNote_StopSound(entity this) { this.enemy.nextthink = time; this.enemy = NULL; } NET_HANDLE(ENT_CLIENT_TUBANOTE, bool isNew) { bool upd = false; int f = ReadByte(); if (f & 1) { int n = ReadChar(); int i = ReadByte(); bool att = (i & 1); i >>= 1; if (this.enemy) { if (n != this.note || i != this.tuba_instrument || isNew) { Ent_TubaNote_StopSound(this); } } else { this.enemy = new(tuba_note); if (Tuba_PitchStep) { this.enemy.enemy = new(tuba_note_2); } isNew = true; } this.enemy.tuba_attenuate = att; if (isNew) { this.note = n; this.tuba_instrument = i; upd = true; } } if (f & 2) { this.enemy.origin = ReadVector(); setorigin(this.enemy, this.enemy.origin); if (this.enemy.enemy) { setorigin(this.enemy.enemy, this.enemy.origin); } } setthink(this, Ent_TubaNote_StopSound); this.entremove = Ent_TubaNote_StopSound; setthink(this.enemy, Ent_TubaNote_Think); this.enemy.nextthink = time + 10; if (upd) { Ent_TubaNote_UpdateSound(this); } return true; } PRECACHE(Tuba) { Tuba_PitchStep = autocvar_g_balance_tuba_pitchstep; if (Tuba_PitchStep) { if (!checkextension("DP_SND_SOUND7_WIP2") && !checkextension("DP_SND_SOUND7")) { LOG_WARN("requested pitch shifting, but not supported by this engine build"); Tuba_PitchStep = 0; } } for (int n = TUBA_MIN; n <= TUBA_MAX; ++n) { if (!Tuba_PitchStep || pymod(n, Tuba_PitchStep) == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < TUBA_INSTRUMENTS; ++i) { precache_sound(TUBA_STARTNOTE(i, n)); } } } } #endif