#include "all.qh" #if defined(CSQC) #include #elif defined(MENUQC) #elif defined(SVQC) #include #include #include #include #include #include #endif // ================================================ // Unified notification system, written by Samual // Last updated: August, 2013 // ================================================ #ifdef SVQC string Notification_CheckArgs( NOTIF broadcast, entity client) { // check supplied broadcast and target for errors switch (broadcast) { case NOTIF_ONE: case NOTIF_ONE_ONLY: { if (IS_NOT_A_CLIENT(client)) { return "No client provided!"; } break; } case NOTIF_ALL_EXCEPT: { if (IS_NOT_A_CLIENT(client)) { return "Exception can't be a non-client!"; } break; } case NOTIF_ALL: { if (client) { return "Entity provided when NULL was required!"; } break; } case NOTIF_TEAM: { if (!teamplay) { return "Teamplay not active!"; } else if (!client.team) { // checkargs = sprintf("%sNo team provided!", checkargs); } break; } case NOTIF_TEAM_EXCEPT: { if (!teamplay) { return "Teamplay not active!"; } else if (IS_NOT_A_CLIENT(client)) { return "Exception can't be a non-client!"; } break; } default: { return sprintf("Improper broadcast: %d!", broadcast); } } return ""; } bool Notification_ShouldSend(NOTIF broadcast, entity to_client, entity other_client) { if(!IS_REAL_CLIENT(to_client)) return false; switch (broadcast) { case NOTIF_ONE: return ( (to_client == other_client) || (IS_SPEC(to_client) && (to_client.enemy == other_client)) ); case NOTIF_ONE_ONLY: return (to_client == other_client); case NOTIF_TEAM: return ( (to_client.team == other_client.team) || ( IS_SPEC(to_client) && (to_client.enemy.team == other_client.team) ) ); case NOTIF_TEAM_EXCEPT: return ( (to_client != other_client) && ( (to_client.team == other_client.team) || ( IS_SPEC(to_client) && ( (to_client.enemy != other_client) && (to_client.enemy.team == other_client.team) ) ) ) ); case NOTIF_ALL: return true; case NOTIF_ALL_EXCEPT: return ( (to_client != other_client) && !( IS_SPEC(to_client) && (to_client.enemy == other_client) ) ); default: return false; } } #endif // =============================== // Initialization Core Functions // =============================== // used by restartnotifs command to initialize notifications void Destroy_Notification_Entity(entity notif) { if (notif.nent_name != "") strunzone(notif.nent_name); if (notif.nent_snd != "") strunzone(notif.nent_snd); if (notif.nent_args != "") strunzone(notif.nent_args); if (notif.nent_hudargs != "") strunzone(notif.nent_hudargs); if (notif.nent_icon != "") strunzone(notif.nent_icon); if (notif.nent_durcnt != "") strunzone(notif.nent_durcnt); if (notif.nent_string != "") strunzone(notif.nent_string); delete(notif); } void Destroy_All_Notifications() { // kill all networked notifications and centerprints #ifdef SVQC Kill_Notification(NOTIF_ALL, NULL, MSG_Null, CPID_Null); #else centerprint_KillAll(); #endif // kill all real notification entities FOREACH(Notifications, true, { Destroy_Notification_Entity(it); }); } string Process_Notif_Line( MSG typeId, bool chat, string input, string notiftype, string notifname, string stringtype) { #ifdef CSQC if(typeId == MSG_INFO) { if((chat && autocvar_notification_allow_chatboxprint) || (autocvar_notification_allow_chatboxprint == 2)) { // pass 1: add ETX char at beginning of line input = strcat("\{3}", input); // pass 2: add ETX char at end of each new line (so that // messages with multiple lines are put through chatbox too) input = strreplace("\n", "\n\{3}", input); // pass 3: strip trailing ETX char if(substring(input, (strlen(input) - 1), 1) == "\{3}") { input = substring(input, 0, (strlen(input) - 1)); } } } #endif // done to both MSG_INFO and MSG_CENTER if(substring(input, (strlen(input) - 1), 1) == "\n") { LOG_INFOF( ( "^1TRAILING NEW LINE AT END OF NOTIFICATION: " "^7net_type = %s, net_name = %s, string = %s." ), notiftype, notifname, stringtype ); notif_error = true; input = substring(input, 1, (strlen(input) - 1)); } return input; } string Process_Notif_Args( float arg_type, string args, string notiftype, string notifname) { string selected, remaining = args; float sel_num = 0; for (;(remaining != "");) { selected = car(remaining); remaining = cdr(remaining); switch(arg_type) { case 1: // normal args { if(sel_num == NOTIF_MAX_ARGS) { LOG_INFOF( ( "^1NOTIFICATION HAS TOO MANY ARGUMENTS: " "^7net_type = %s, net_name = %s, max args = %d." ), notiftype, notifname, NOTIF_MAX_ARGS ); notif_error = true; break; } switch(strtolower(selected)) { #define ARG_CASE_ARG_CS_SV_HA(selected,result) case selected: ++sel_num; break; #define ARG_CASE_ARG_CS_SV_DC(selected,result) case selected: ++sel_num; break; #define ARG_CASE_ARG_CS_SV(selected,result) case selected: ++sel_num; break; #define ARG_CASE_ARG_CS(selected,result) case selected: ++sel_num; break; #define ARG_CASE_ARG_SV(selected,result) case selected: ++sel_num; break; #define ARG_CASE_ARG_DC(selected,result) #define ARG_CASE(prog,selected,result) ARG_CASE_##prog(selected,result) NOTIF_ARGUMENT_LIST #undef ARG_CASE #undef ARG_CASE_ARG_DC #undef ARG_CASE_ARG_SV #undef ARG_CASE_ARG_CS #undef ARG_CASE_ARG_CS_SV #undef ARG_CASE_ARG_CS_SV_DC #undef ARG_CASE_ARG_CS_SV_HA default: { LOG_INFOF( ( "^1NOTIFICATION WITH UNKNOWN TOKEN IN ARGUMENT STRING: " "^7net_type = %s, net_name = %s, args arg = '%s'." ), notiftype, notifname, selected ); notif_error = true; break; } } break; } case 2: // hudargs { if(sel_num == NOTIF_MAX_HUDARGS) { LOG_INFOF( ( "^1NOTIFICATION HAS TOO MANY ARGUMENTS: " "^7net_type = %s, net_name = %s, max hudargs = %d." ), notiftype, notifname, NOTIF_MAX_HUDARGS ); notif_error = true; break; } switch(strtolower(selected)) { #define ARG_CASE_ARG_CS_SV_HA(selected,result) case selected: ++sel_num; break; #define ARG_CASE_ARG_CS_SV_DC(selected,result) #define ARG_CASE_ARG_CS_SV(selected,result) #define ARG_CASE_ARG_CS(selected,result) #define ARG_CASE_ARG_SV(selected,result) #define ARG_CASE_ARG_DC(selected,result) #define ARG_CASE(prog,selected,result) ARG_CASE_##prog(selected,result) NOTIF_ARGUMENT_LIST #undef ARG_CASE #undef ARG_CASE_ARG_DC #undef ARG_CASE_ARG_SV #undef ARG_CASE_ARG_CS #undef ARG_CASE_ARG_CS_SV #undef ARG_CASE_ARG_CS_SV_DC #undef ARG_CASE_ARG_CS_SV_HA default: { LOG_INFOF( ( "^1NOTIFICATION WITH UNKNOWN TOKEN IN ARGUMENT STRING: " "^7net_type = %s, net_name = %s, hudargs arg = '%s'." ), notiftype, notifname, selected ); notif_error = true; break; } } break; } case 3: // durcnt { if(sel_num == NOTIF_MAX_DURCNT) { LOG_INFOF( ( "^1NOTIFICATION HAS TOO MANY ARGUMENTS: " "^7net_type = %s, net_name = %s, max durcnt = %d." ), notiftype, notifname, NOTIF_MAX_DURCNT ); notif_error = true; break; } switch(strtolower(selected)) { #define ARG_CASE_ARG_CS_SV_HA(selected,result) #define ARG_CASE_ARG_CS_SV_DC(selected,result) case selected: ++sel_num; break; #define ARG_CASE_ARG_CS_SV(selected,result) #define ARG_CASE_ARG_CS(selected,result) #define ARG_CASE_ARG_SV(selected,result) #define ARG_CASE_ARG_DC(selected,result) case selected: ++sel_num; break; #define ARG_CASE(prog,selected,result) ARG_CASE_##prog(selected,result) NOTIF_ARGUMENT_LIST #undef ARG_CASE #undef ARG_CASE_ARG_DC #undef ARG_CASE_ARG_SV #undef ARG_CASE_ARG_CS #undef ARG_CASE_ARG_CS_SV #undef ARG_CASE_ARG_CS_SV_DC #undef ARG_CASE_ARG_CS_SV_HA default: { if(ftos(stof(selected)) != "") { ++sel_num; } else { LOG_INFOF( ( "^1NOTIFICATION WITH UNKNOWN TOKEN IN ARGUMENT STRING: " "^7net_type = %s, net_name = %s, durcnt arg = '%s'." ), notiftype, notifname, selected ); notif_error = true; } break; } } break; } } } return args; } void Create_Notification_Entity(entity notif, float var_default, float var_cvar, MSG typeId, string namestring, int teamnum) { // ===================== // Global Entity Setup // ===================== notif.nent_default = var_default; notif.nent_enabled = (var_cvar >= 1); notif.nent_type = typeId; notif.nent_name = strzone(namestring); notif.nent_teamnum = teamnum; // Other pre-notif-setup requisites notif_error = false; switch (typeId) { case MSG_ANNCE: case MSG_INFO: case MSG_CENTER: case MSG_MULTI: case MSG_CHOICE: break; default: LOG_INFOF( ( "^1NOTIFICATION WITH IMPROPER TYPE: " "^7net_type = %d, net_name = %s." ), typeId, namestring ); notif_error = true; break; } // now check to see if any errors happened if (notif_error) { notif.nent_enabled = false; // disable the notification so it can't cause trouble notif_global_error = true; // throw the red flag that an error happened on init } } #define AnnouncerFilename(snd) sprintf("announcer/%s/%s.wav", AnnouncerOption(), snd) void Create_Notification_Entity_Annce(entity notif, float var_cvar, string namestring, /* MSG_ANNCE */ float channel, string snd, float vol, float position, float queuetime) { // Set MSG_ANNCE information and handle precaching #ifdef CSQC MSG typeId = MSG_ANNCE; if (!(GENTLE && (var_cvar == 1))) { if(snd != "") { if(notif.nent_enabled) { precache_sound(AnnouncerFilename(snd)); notif.nent_channel = channel; notif.nent_snd = strzone(snd); notif.nent_vol = vol; notif.nent_position = position; notif.nent_queuetime = queuetime; } } else { string typestring = Get_Notif_TypeName(typeId); LOG_INFOF( ( "^1NOTIFICATION WITH NO SOUND: " "^7net_type = %s, net_name = %s." ), typestring, namestring ); notif_error = true; } } else { notif.nent_enabled = false; } #else notif.nent_enabled = false; #endif } void Create_Notification_Entity_InfoCenter(entity notif, float var_cvar, string namestring, int strnum, int flnum, /* MSG_INFO & MSG_CENTER */ string args, string hudargs, string icon, CPID cpid, string durcnt, string normal, string gentle) { MSG typeId = notif.nent_type; // Set MSG_INFO and MSG_CENTER string/float counts notif.nent_stringcount = strnum; notif.nent_floatcount = flnum; // Only initialize arguments if we're either a client or on a dedicated server #ifdef SVQC float should_process_args = server_is_dedicated; #else float should_process_args = true; #endif string typestring = Get_Notif_TypeName(typeId); if(should_process_args) { // ======================== // Process Main Arguments // ======================== if(strnum + flnum) { if(args != "") { notif.nent_args = strzone( Process_Notif_Args(1, args, typestring, namestring)); } else if((hudargs == "") && (durcnt =="")) { LOG_INFOF( ( "^1NOTIFICATION HAS ARG COUNTS BUT NO ARGS OR HUDARGS OR DURCNT: " "^7net_type = %s, net_name = %s, strnum = %d, flnum = %d" ), typestring, namestring, strnum, flnum ); notif_error = true; } } else if(args != "") { notif.nent_args = strzone( Process_Notif_Args(1, args, typestring, namestring)); } // ======================================= // Process HUD and Centerprint Arguments // Only processed on CSQC, as these // args are only for HUD features. // ======================================= #ifdef CSQC if(hudargs != "") { notif.nent_hudargs = strzone( Process_Notif_Args(2, hudargs, typestring, namestring)); if(icon != "") { notif.nent_icon = strzone(icon); } else { LOG_INFOF( ( "^1NOTIFICATION HAS HUDARGS BUT NO ICON: " "^7net_type = %s, net_name = %s." ), typestring, namestring ); notif_error = true; } } else if(icon != "") { LOG_WARNF( ( "^1NOTIFICATION HAS ICON BUT NO HUDARGS: " "^7net_type = %s, net_name = %s.\n" ), typestring, namestring ); notif_error = true; } if (durcnt != "") { notif.nent_durcnt = strzone(Process_Notif_Args(3, durcnt, typestring, namestring)); if (cpid == CPID_Null && durcnt != "0 0") { LOG_WARNF( ( "Notification has durcnt but no cpid: " "net_type = %s, net_name = %s." ), typestring, namestring ); notif_error = true; } } notif.nent_cpid = cpid; #endif // ====================== // Process Notif String // ====================== #define SET_NOTIF_STRING(string,stringname) MACRO_BEGIN \ notif.nent_string = strzone(CCR( \ Process_Notif_Line( \ typeId, \ (var_cvar > 1), \ string, \ typestring, \ namestring, \ stringname \ )) \ ); \ MACRO_END if(GENTLE) { if(gentle != "") { SET_NOTIF_STRING(gentle, "GENTLE"); } else if(normal != "") { SET_NOTIF_STRING(normal, "NORMAL"); } } else if(normal != "") { SET_NOTIF_STRING(normal, "NORMAL"); } #undef SET_NOTIF_STRING // Check to make sure a string was chosen if(notif.nent_string == "") { LOG_INFOF( ( "^1EMPTY NOTIFICATION: " "^7net_type = %s, net_name = %s." ), typestring, namestring ); notif_error = true; } } } void Create_Notification_Entity_Multi(entity notif, float var_cvar, string namestring, /* MSG_MULTI */ Notification anncename, Notification infoname, Notification centername) { MSG typeId = MSG_MULTI; // Set MSG_MULTI string/float counts if (!anncename && !infoname && !centername) { string typestring = Get_Notif_TypeName(typeId); LOG_INFOF( ( "^1NOTIFICATION WITH NO SUBCALLS: " "^7net_type = %s, net_name = %s." ), typestring, namestring ); notif_error = true; } else { // announcements don't actually need any arguments, so lets not even count them. if (anncename) { notif.nent_msgannce = anncename; } float infoname_stringcount = 0, infoname_floatcount = 0; float centername_stringcount = 0, centername_floatcount = 0; if (infoname) { notif.nent_msginfo = infoname; infoname_stringcount = notif.nent_msginfo.nent_stringcount; infoname_floatcount = notif.nent_msginfo.nent_floatcount; } if (centername) { notif.nent_msgcenter = centername; centername_stringcount = notif.nent_msgcenter.nent_stringcount; centername_floatcount = notif.nent_msgcenter.nent_floatcount; } // set the requirements of THIS notification to the totals of its subcalls notif.nent_stringcount = max(infoname_stringcount, centername_stringcount); notif.nent_floatcount = max(infoname_floatcount, centername_floatcount); } } void Create_Notification_Entity_Choice(entity notif, float var_cvar, string namestring, /* MSG_CHOICE */ float challow_def, float challow_var, MSG chtype, Notification optiona, Notification optionb) { MSG typeId = MSG_CHOICE; if (chtype == MSG_Null || !optiona || !optionb) { string typestring = Get_Notif_TypeName(typeId); LOG_INFOF( ( "^1NOTIFICATION IS MISSING CHOICE PARAMS: " "^7net_type = %s, net_name = %s." ), typestring, namestring ); notif_error = true; } else { notif.nent_optiona = optiona; notif.nent_optionb = optionb; notif.nent_challow_def = challow_def; // 0: never allowed, 1: allowed in warmup, 2: always allowed notif.nent_challow_var = challow_var; // 0: never allowed, 1: allowed in warmup, 2: always allowed notif.nent_stringcount = max(notif.nent_optiona.nent_stringcount, notif.nent_optionb.nent_stringcount); notif.nent_floatcount = max(notif.nent_optiona.nent_floatcount, notif.nent_optionb.nent_floatcount); /*#ifdef NOTIFICATIONS_DEBUG Debug_Notification(sprintf( "Create_Notification_Entity(...): MSG_CHOICE: %s\n%s\n%s\n", notif.nent_name, sprintf( "^ optiona: %s %s : %d %d", Get_Notif_TypeName(notif.nent_optiona.nent_type), notif.nent_optiona.nent_name, notif.nent_optiona.nent_stringcount, notif.nent_optiona.nent_floatcount ), sprintf( "^ optionb: %s %s : %d %d", Get_Notif_TypeName(notif.nent_optionb.nent_type), notif.nent_optionb.nent_name, notif.nent_optionb.nent_stringcount, notif.nent_optionb.nent_floatcount ) )); #endif*/ } } // =============== // Cvar Handling // =============== // used by MSG_CHOICE to build list of choices #ifdef SVQC void Notification_GetCvars(entity this, entity store) { FOREACH(Notifications, it.nent_type == MSG_CHOICE && (!it.nent_teamnum || it.nent_teamnum == NUM_TEAM_1), { GetCvars_handleFloat( this, store, get_cvars_s, get_cvars_f, msg_choice_choices[it.nent_choice_idx], sprintf("notification_%s", Get_Notif_CvarName(it)) ); }); } #endif /** used to output notifications.cfg file */ void Dump_Notifications(int fh, bool alsoprint) { #define NOTIF_WRITE(str) write_String_To_File(fh, str, alsoprint) #define NOTIF_WRITE_ENTITY(e, description) \ NOTIF_WRITE(sprintf( \ "seta notification_%s \"%d\" \"%s\"\n", \ Get_Notif_CvarName(e), e.nent_default, description \ )) #define NOTIF_WRITE_ENTITY_CHOICE(e, descriptiona, descriptionb) \ NOTIF_WRITE(sprintf( \ "seta notification_%s \"%d\" \"%s\"\n" \ "seta notification_%s_ALLOWED \"%d\" \"%s\"\n", \ Get_Notif_CvarName(e), e.nent_default, descriptiona, \ Get_Notif_CvarName(e), e.nent_challow_def, descriptionb \ )) #define NOTIF_WRITE_HARDCODED(cvar, default, description) \ NOTIF_WRITE("seta notification_" cvar " \"" default "\" \"" description "\"\n") // Note: This warning only applies to the notifications.cfg file that is output... // You ARE supposed to manually edit this function to add i.e. hard coded // notification variables for mutators or game modes or such and then // regenerate the notifications.cfg file from the new code. NOTIF_WRITE( "// ********************************************** //\n" "// ** WARNING - DO NOT MANUALLY EDIT THIS FILE ** //\n" "// ** ** //\n" "// ** This file is automatically generated ** //\n" "// ** by code with the command 'dumpnotifs'. ** //\n" "// ** ** //\n" "// ** If you add a new notification, please ** //\n" "// ** regenerate this file with that command ** //\n" "// ** making sure that the output matches ** //\n" "// ** with the lists and defaults in code. ** //\n" "// ** ** //\n" "// ********************************************** //\n"); // These notifications will also append their string as a comment... // This is not necessary, and does not matter if they vary between config versions, // it is just a semi-helpful tool for those who want to manually change their user settings. int NOTIF_ANNCE_COUNT = 0; int NOTIF_INFO_COUNT = 0; int NOTIF_CENTER_COUNT = 0; int NOTIF_MULTI_COUNT = 0; int NOTIF_CHOICE_COUNT = 0; FOREACH(Notifications, true, { switch (it.nent_type) { case MSG_ANNCE: ++NOTIF_ANNCE_COUNT; break; case MSG_INFO: ++NOTIF_INFO_COUNT; break; case MSG_CENTER: ++NOTIF_CENTER_COUNT; break; case MSG_MULTI: ++NOTIF_MULTI_COUNT; break; case MSG_CHOICE: ++NOTIF_CHOICE_COUNT; break; } }); NOTIF_WRITE(sprintf("\n// MSG_ANNCE notifications:\n")); FOREACH(Notifications, it.nent_type == MSG_ANNCE && (!it.nent_teamnum || it.nent_teamnum == NUM_TEAM_1), { NOTIF_WRITE_ENTITY(it, "0 = disabled, 1 = enabled if gentle mode is off, 2 = always enabled" ); }); NOTIF_WRITE(sprintf("\n// MSG_INFO notifications:\n")); FOREACH(Notifications, it.nent_type == MSG_INFO && (!it.nent_teamnum || it.nent_teamnum == NUM_TEAM_1), { NOTIF_WRITE_ENTITY(it, "0 = off, 1 = print to console, " "2 = print to console and chatbox (if notification_allow_chatboxprint is enabled)" ); }); NOTIF_WRITE(sprintf("\n// MSG_CENTER notifications:\n")); FOREACH(Notifications, it.nent_type == MSG_CENTER && (!it.nent_teamnum || it.nent_teamnum == NUM_TEAM_1), { NOTIF_WRITE_ENTITY(it, "0 = off, 1 = centerprint" ); }); NOTIF_WRITE(sprintf("\n// MSG_MULTI notifications:\n")); FOREACH(Notifications, it.nent_type == MSG_MULTI && (!it.nent_teamnum || it.nent_teamnum == NUM_TEAM_1), { NOTIF_WRITE_ENTITY(it, "Enable this multiple notification" ); }); NOTIF_WRITE(sprintf("\n// MSG_CHOICE notifications:\n")); FOREACH(Notifications, it.nent_type == MSG_CHOICE && (!it.nent_teamnum || it.nent_teamnum == NUM_TEAM_1), { NOTIF_WRITE_ENTITY_CHOICE(it, "Choice for this notification 0 = off, 1 = default message, 2 = verbose message", "Allow choice for this notification 0 = off, 1 = only in warmup mode, 2 = always" ); }); // edit these to match whichever cvars are used for specific notification options NOTIF_WRITE("\n// HARD CODED notification variables:\n"); NOTIF_WRITE_HARDCODED( "allow_chatboxprint", "1", "Allow INFO notifications to be printed to chat box " "0 = do not allow, " "1 = allow only if allowed by individual notification_INFO* cvars, " "2 = force all INFO notifications to be printed to the chatbox" ); NOTIF_WRITE_HARDCODED( "debug", "0", "Print extra debug information on all notification function calls " "(Requires -DNOTIFICATIONS_DEBUG flag to be enabled on QCSRC compilation)... " "0 = disabled, 1 = dprint, 2 = print" ); NOTIF_WRITE_HARDCODED( "errors_are_fatal", "1", "If a notification fails upon initialization, cause a Host_Error to stop the program" ); NOTIF_WRITE_HARDCODED( "item_centerprinttime", "1.5", "How long to show item information centerprint messages (like 'You got the Electro' or such)" ); NOTIF_WRITE_HARDCODED( "lifetime_mapload", "10", "Amount of time that notification entities last immediately at mapload (in seconds) " "to help prevent notifications from being lost on early init (like gamestart countdown)" ); NOTIF_WRITE_HARDCODED( "lifetime_runtime", "0.5", "Amount of time that notification entities last on the server during runtime (In seconds)" ); NOTIF_WRITE_HARDCODED( "server_allows_location", "1", "Server side cvar for allowing death messages to show location information too" ); NOTIF_WRITE_HARDCODED( "show_location", "0", "Append location information to MSG_INFO death/kill messages" ); NOTIF_WRITE_HARDCODED( "show_location_string", "", "Replacement string piped into sprintf, " "so you can do different messages like this: ' at the %s' or ' (near %s)'" ); NOTIF_WRITE_HARDCODED( "show_sprees", "1", "Print information about sprees in death/kill messages" ); NOTIF_WRITE_HARDCODED( "show_sprees_center", "1", "Show spree information in MSG_CENTER messages... " "0 = off, 1 = target (but only for first victim) and attacker" ); NOTIF_WRITE_HARDCODED( "show_sprees_center_specialonly", "1", "Don't show spree information in MSG_CENTER messages if it isn't an achievement" ); NOTIF_WRITE_HARDCODED( "show_sprees_info", "3", "Show spree information in MSG_INFO messages... " "0 = off, 1 = target only, 2 = attacker only, 3 = target and attacker" ); NOTIF_WRITE_HARDCODED( "show_sprees_info_newline", "1", "Show attacker spree information for MSG_INFO messages on a separate line than the death notification itself" ); NOTIF_WRITE_HARDCODED( "show_sprees_info_specialonly", "1", "Don't show attacker spree information in MSG_INFO messages if it isn't an achievement" ); LOG_INFOF("Notification counts (total = %d): " "MSG_ANNCE = %d, MSG_INFO = %d, MSG_CENTER = %d, MSG_MULTI = %d, MSG_CHOICE = %d\n", ( NOTIF_ANNCE_COUNT + NOTIF_INFO_COUNT + NOTIF_CENTER_COUNT + NOTIF_MULTI_COUNT + NOTIF_CHOICE_COUNT ), NOTIF_ANNCE_COUNT, NOTIF_INFO_COUNT, NOTIF_CENTER_COUNT, NOTIF_MULTI_COUNT, NOTIF_CHOICE_COUNT ); #undef NOTIF_WRITE_HARDCODED #undef NOTIF_WRITE_ENTITY #undef NOTIF_WRITE } // =============================== // Frontend Notification Pushing // =============================== string Local_Notification_sprintf( string input, string args, string s1, string s2, string s3, string s4, int f1, float f2, float f3, float f4) { #ifdef NOTIFICATIONS_DEBUG Debug_Notification(sprintf( "Local_Notification_sprintf('%s^7', '%s', %s, %s);\n", MakeConsoleSafe(input), args, MakeConsoleSafe(sprintf("'%s^7', '%s^7', '%s^7', '%s^7'", s1, s2, s3, s4)), sprintf("%d, %d, %d, %d", f1, f2, f3, f4) )); #endif for (int sel_num = 0; sel_num < NOTIF_MAX_ARGS; ++sel_num) { arg_slot[sel_num] = ""; } for (int sel_num = 0; (args != ""); ) { string selected = car(args); args = cdr(args); NOTIF_HIT_MAX(NOTIF_MAX_ARGS, "Local_Notification_sprintf"); string tmp_s; // used by NOTIF_ARGUMENT_LIST switch (strtolower(selected)) { #define ARG_CASE_ARG_CS_SV_HA(selected, result) case selected: arg_slot[sel_num++] = result; break; #define ARG_CASE_ARG_CS_SV_DC(selected, result) case selected: arg_slot[sel_num++] = result; break; #define ARG_CASE_ARG_CS_SV(selected, result) case selected: arg_slot[sel_num++] = result; break; #ifdef CSQC #define ARG_CASE_ARG_CS(selected, result) case selected: arg_slot[sel_num++] = result; break; #define ARG_CASE_ARG_SV(selected, result) #else #define ARG_CASE_ARG_CS(selected, result) #define ARG_CASE_ARG_SV(selected, result) case selected: arg_slot[sel_num++] = result; break; #endif #define ARG_CASE_ARG_DC(selected, result) #define ARG_CASE(prog, selected, result) ARG_CASE_##prog(selected, result) NOTIF_ARGUMENT_LIST #undef ARG_CASE #undef ARG_CASE_ARG_DC #undef ARG_CASE_ARG_SV #undef ARG_CASE_ARG_CS #undef ARG_CASE_ARG_CS_SV #undef ARG_CASE_ARG_CS_SV_DC #undef ARG_CASE_ARG_CS_SV_HA default: NOTIF_HIT_UNKNOWN(NOTIF_MAX_ARGS, "Local_Notification_sprintf") } } return sprintf( strcat(input, "\n"), arg_slot[0], arg_slot[1], arg_slot[2], arg_slot[3], arg_slot[4], arg_slot[5], arg_slot[6] ); } #ifdef CSQC void Local_Notification_sound(int soundchannel, string soundfile, float soundvolume, float soundposition) { if ((soundfile != prev_soundfile) || (time >= (prev_soundtime + autocvar_cl_announcer_antispam))) { #ifdef NOTIFICATIONS_DEBUG Debug_Notification(sprintf( "Local_Notification_sound(%f, '%s', %f, %f);\n", soundchannel, AnnouncerFilename(soundfile), soundvolume, soundposition )); #endif _sound(NULL, soundchannel, AnnouncerFilename(soundfile), soundvolume, soundposition); strcpy(prev_soundfile, soundfile); prev_soundtime = time; } else { #ifdef NOTIFICATIONS_DEBUG Debug_Notification(sprintf( ( "Local_Notification_sound(%f, '%s', %f, %f) " "^1BLOCKED BY ANTISPAM:^7 prevsnd: '%s', timediff: %f, limit: %f\n" ), soundchannel, AnnouncerFilename(soundfile), soundvolume, soundposition, prev_soundfile, (time - prev_soundtime), autocvar_cl_announcer_antispam )); #endif } } void Local_Notification_HUD_Notify_Push( string icon, string hudargs, string s1, string s2, string s3, string s4, float f1, float f2, float f3, float f4) { arg_slot[0] = ""; arg_slot[1] = ""; for (int sel_num = 0; (hudargs != ""); ) { string selected = car(hudargs); hudargs = cdr(hudargs); NOTIF_HIT_MAX(NOTIF_MAX_HUDARGS, "Local_Notification_HUD_Notify_Push"); switch (strtolower(selected)) { #define ARG_CASE_ARG_CS_SV_HA(selected, result) case selected: arg_slot[sel_num++] = result; break; #define ARG_CASE_ARG_CS_SV_DC(selected, result) #define ARG_CASE_ARG_CS_SV(selected, result) #define ARG_CASE_ARG_CS(selected, result) #define ARG_CASE_ARG_SV(selected, result) #define ARG_CASE_ARG_DC(selected, result) #define ARG_CASE(prog, selected, result) ARG_CASE_##prog(selected, result) NOTIF_ARGUMENT_LIST #undef ARG_CASE #undef ARG_CASE_ARG_DC #undef ARG_CASE_ARG_SV #undef ARG_CASE_ARG_CS #undef ARG_CASE_ARG_CS_SV #undef ARG_CASE_ARG_CS_SV_DC #undef ARG_CASE_ARG_CS_SV_HA default: NOTIF_HIT_UNKNOWN(NOTIF_MAX_HUDARGS, "Local_Notification_HUD_Notify_Push") } } #ifdef NOTIFICATIONS_DEBUG Debug_Notification(sprintf( "Local_Notification_HUD_Notify_Push('%s^7', '%s', %s, %s, %s);\n", icon, hudargs, MakeConsoleSafe(sprintf("'%s^7', '%s^7', '%s^7', '%s^7'", s1, s2, s3, s4)), sprintf("%d, %d, %d, %d", f1, f2, f3, f4), MakeConsoleSafe(sprintf("'%s^7', '%s^7'", stof(arg_slot[0]), stof(arg_slot[1]))) )); #endif HUD_Notify_Push(icon, arg_slot[0], arg_slot[1]); } void Local_Notification_centerprint_Add( string input, string durcnt, CPID cpid, float f1, float f2) { arg_slot[0] = ""; arg_slot[1] = ""; for (int sel_num = 0; (durcnt != ""); ) { string selected = car(durcnt); durcnt = cdr(durcnt); NOTIF_HIT_MAX(NOTIF_MAX_DURCNT, "Local_Notification_centerprint_Add"); switch (strtolower(selected)) { #define ARG_CASE_ARG_CS_SV_HA(selected, result) #define ARG_CASE_ARG_CS_SV_DC(selected, result) case selected: arg_slot[sel_num++] = result; break; #define ARG_CASE_ARG_CS_SV(selected, result) #define ARG_CASE_ARG_CS(selected, result) #define ARG_CASE_ARG_SV(selected, result) #define ARG_CASE_ARG_DC(selected, result) case selected: arg_slot[sel_num++] = result; break; #define ARG_CASE(prog, selected, result) ARG_CASE_##prog(selected,result) NOTIF_ARGUMENT_LIST #undef ARG_CASE #undef ARG_CASE_ARG_DC #undef ARG_CASE_ARG_SV #undef ARG_CASE_ARG_CS #undef ARG_CASE_ARG_CS_SV #undef ARG_CASE_ARG_CS_SV_DC #undef ARG_CASE_ARG_CS_SV_HA default: { if (/* wtf */ ftos(stof(selected)) != "") { arg_slot[sel_num++] = selected; } else { NOTIF_HIT_UNKNOWN(NOTIF_MAX_DURCNT, "Local_Notification_centerprint_Add") } break; } } } #ifdef NOTIFICATIONS_DEBUG Debug_Notification(sprintf( "Local_Notification_centerprint_Add('%s^7', '%s', %d, %d, %d, %d);\n", MakeConsoleSafe(input), durcnt, f1, f2, stof(arg_slot[0]), stof(arg_slot[1]) )); #endif centerprint_Add(ORDINAL(cpid), input, stof(arg_slot[0]), stof(arg_slot[1])); } void Local_Notification_Queue_Run(MSG net_type, entity notif) { switch (net_type) { case MSG_ANNCE: { Local_Notification_sound(notif.nent_channel, notif.nent_snd, notif.nent_vol, notif.nent_position); break; } } } void Local_Notification_Queue_Add(MSG net_type, entity notif, float queue_time) { // Guess length if required if(queue_time == 0) queue_time = soundlength(AnnouncerFilename(notif.nent_snd)); if(queue_time == -1 || time > notif_queue_next_time) { // Run immediately Local_Notification_Queue_Run(net_type, notif); notif_queue_next_time = time + queue_time; } else { // Put in queue if(notif_queue_length >= NOTIF_QUEUE_MAX) return; notif_queue_type[notif_queue_length] = net_type; notif_queue_entity[notif_queue_length] = notif; notif_queue_time[notif_queue_length] = notif_queue_next_time; notif_queue_next_time += queue_time; ++notif_queue_length; } } void Local_Notification_Queue_Process() { if(!notif_queue_length || notif_queue_time[0] > time) return; Local_Notification_Queue_Run(notif_queue_type[0], notif_queue_entity[0]); // Shift queue to the left --notif_queue_length; for (int j = 0; j < notif_queue_length; ++j) { notif_queue_type[j] = notif_queue_type[j+1]; notif_queue_entity[j] = notif_queue_entity[j+1]; notif_queue_time[j] = notif_queue_time[j+1]; } } #endif void Local_Notification(MSG net_type, Notification net_name, ...count) { // retreive entity of this notification entity notif = net_name; if (!notif) { #ifdef NOTIFICATIONS_DEBUG Debug_Notification(sprintf( "Local_Notification(%s, NULL, ...);\n", Get_Notif_TypeName(net_type) )); #endif LOG_WARNF("Incorrect usage of Local_Notification: %s", "Null notification"); return; } // check if the notification is enabled if (!notif.nent_enabled) { #ifdef NOTIFICATIONS_DEBUG Debug_Notification(sprintf( "Local_Notification(%s, %s, ...): Entity was disabled...\n", Get_Notif_TypeName(net_type), notif.nent_name )); #endif return; } string s1 = (notif.nent_stringcount > 0) ? ...(0, string) : ""; string s2 = (notif.nent_stringcount > 1) ? ...(1, string) : ""; string s3 = (notif.nent_stringcount > 2) ? ...(2, string) : ""; string s4 = (notif.nent_stringcount > 3) ? ...(3, string) : ""; float f1 = ((notif.nent_floatcount > 0) ? ...((notif.nent_stringcount + 0), float) : 0); float f2 = ((notif.nent_floatcount > 1) ? ...((notif.nent_stringcount + 1), float) : 0); float f3 = ((notif.nent_floatcount > 2) ? ...((notif.nent_stringcount + 2), float) : 0); float f4 = ((notif.nent_floatcount > 3) ? ...((notif.nent_stringcount + 3), float) : 0); #ifdef NOTIFICATIONS_DEBUG Debug_Notification(sprintf( "Local_Notification(%s, %s, %s, %s);\n", Get_Notif_TypeName(net_type), notif.nent_name, MakeConsoleSafe(sprintf("'%s^7', '%s^7', '%s^7', '%s^7'", s1, s2, s3, s4)), sprintf("%d, %d, %d, %d", f1, f2, f3, f4) )); #endif if ((notif.nent_stringcount + notif.nent_floatcount) != count) { backtrace(sprintf( ( "Arguments mismatch for Local_Notification(%s, %s, ...)! " "stringcount(%d) + floatcount(%d) != count(%d)\n" "Check the definition and function call for accuracy...?\n" ), Get_Notif_TypeName(net_type), notif.nent_name, notif.nent_stringcount, notif.nent_floatcount, count )); return; } switch (net_type) { case MSG_ANNCE: { #ifdef CSQC Local_Notification_Queue_Add(net_type, notif, notif.nent_queuetime); #else backtrace("MSG_ANNCE on server?... Please notify Samual immediately!\n"); #endif break; } case MSG_INFO: { print( Local_Notification_sprintf( notif.nent_string, notif.nent_args, s1, s2, s3, s4, f1, f2, f3, f4) ); #ifdef CSQC if (notif.nent_icon != "") { if (notif.nent_iconargs != "") { string s = Local_Notification_sprintf( notif.nent_icon,notif.nent_iconargs, s1, s2, s3, s4, f1, f2, f3, f4); // remove the trailing newline notif.nent_icon = strzone(substring(s, 0, -1)); } Local_Notification_HUD_Notify_Push( notif.nent_icon, notif.nent_hudargs, s1, s2, s3, s4, f1, f2, f3, f4); } #endif break; } #ifdef CSQC case MSG_CENTER: { Local_Notification_centerprint_Add( Local_Notification_sprintf( notif.nent_string, notif.nent_args, s1, s2, s3, s4, f1, f2, f3, f4), notif.nent_durcnt, notif.nent_cpid, f1, f2); break; } #endif case MSG_MULTI: { if (notif.nent_msginfo && notif.nent_msginfo.nent_enabled) { Local_Notification_WOVA( MSG_INFO, notif.nent_msginfo, notif.nent_msginfo.nent_stringcount, notif.nent_msginfo.nent_floatcount, s1, s2, s3, s4, f1, f2, f3, f4); } #ifdef CSQC if (notif.nent_msgannce && notif.nent_msgannce.nent_enabled) { Local_Notification_WOVA( MSG_ANNCE, notif.nent_msgannce, 0, 0, "", "", "", "", 0, 0, 0, 0); } if (notif.nent_msgcenter && notif.nent_msgcenter.nent_enabled) { Local_Notification_WOVA( MSG_CENTER, notif.nent_msgcenter, notif.nent_msgcenter.nent_stringcount, notif.nent_msgcenter.nent_floatcount, s1, s2, s3, s4, f1, f2, f3, f4); } #endif break; } case MSG_CHOICE: { entity found_choice = notif.nent_optiona; if (notif.nent_challow_var && (warmup_stage || (notif.nent_challow_var == 2))) { switch (cvar(sprintf("notification_%s", Get_Notif_CvarName(notif)))) { case 1: break; case 2: found_choice = notif.nent_optionb; break; default: return; // not enabled anyway } } Local_Notification_WOVA( found_choice.nent_type, found_choice, found_choice.nent_stringcount, found_choice.nent_floatcount, s1, s2, s3, s4, f1, f2, f3, f4); break; } } } // WOVA = Without Variable Arguments void Local_Notification_WOVA( MSG net_type, Notification net_name, float stringcount, float floatcount, string s1, string s2, string s3, string s4, float f1, float f2, float f3, float f4) { #define VARITEM(stringc, floatc, args) \ if ((stringcount == stringc) && (floatcount == floatc)) \ { Local_Notification(net_type, net_name, args); return; } EIGHT_VARS_TO_VARARGS_VARLIST #undef VARITEM Local_Notification(net_type, net_name); // some notifications don't have any arguments at all } // ========================= // Notification Networking // ========================= /** networked as a linked entity to give newly connecting clients some notification context */ REGISTER_NET_LINKED(ENT_CLIENT_NOTIFICATION) #ifdef CSQC NET_HANDLE(ENT_CLIENT_NOTIFICATION, bool is_new) { make_pure(this); MSG net_type = ENUMCAST(MSG, ReadByte()); int net_name = ReadShort(); return = true; if (net_type == MSG_CENTER_KILL) { if (!is_new) return; // killing #ifdef NOTIFICATIONS_DEBUG Debug_Notification(sprintf( "Read_Notification(%d) at %f: net_type = %s, cpid = %d\n", is_new, time, Get_Notif_TypeName(net_type), net_name )); #endif int _net_name = net_name; CPID net_name = ENUMCAST(CPID, _net_name); if (net_name == CPID_Null) { centerprint_KillAll(); } else { centerprint_Kill(ORDINAL(net_name));// kill group } return; } Notification notif = Get_Notif_Ent(net_type, net_name); #ifdef NOTIFICATIONS_DEBUG Debug_Notification(sprintf( "Read_Notification(%d) at %f: net_type = %s, net_name = %s (%d)\n", is_new, time, Get_Notif_TypeName(net_type), notif.registered_id, net_name )); #endif if (!notif) { backtrace("Read_Notification: Could not find notification entity!\n"); return false; } string s1 = ((notif.nent_stringcount > 0) ? ReadString() : ""); string s2 = ((notif.nent_stringcount > 1) ? ReadString() : ""); string s3 = ((notif.nent_stringcount > 2) ? ReadString() : ""); string s4 = ((notif.nent_stringcount > 3) ? ReadString() : ""); float f1 = ((notif.nent_floatcount > 0) ? ReadLong() : 0); float f2 = ((notif.nent_floatcount > 1) ? ReadLong() : 0); float f3 = ((notif.nent_floatcount > 2) ? ReadLong() : 0); float f4 = ((notif.nent_floatcount > 3) ? ReadLong() : 0); if (!is_new) return; Local_Notification_WOVA( net_type, notif, notif.nent_stringcount, notif.nent_floatcount, s1, s2, s3, s4, f1, f2, f3, f4); } #endif #ifdef SVQC void Net_Notification_Remove(entity this) { #ifdef NOTIFICATIONS_DEBUG Debug_Notification(sprintf( "Net_Notification_Remove() at %f: %s '%s - %s' notification\n", time, ((this.nent_net_name == -1) ? "Killed" : "Removed"), Get_Notif_TypeName(this.nent_net_type), this.owner.nent_name )); #endif for (int i = 0; i < this.nent_stringcount; ++i) { strfree(this.nent_strings[i]); } delete(this); } bool Net_Write_Notification(entity this, entity client, int sf) { if (!Notification_ShouldSend(this.nent_broadcast, client, this.nent_client)) return false; WriteHeader(MSG_ENTITY, ENT_CLIENT_NOTIFICATION); WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, ORDINAL(this.nent_net_type)); WriteShort(MSG_ENTITY, this.nent_net_name); for (int i = 0; i < this.nent_stringcount; ++i) { WriteString(MSG_ENTITY, this.nent_strings[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < this.nent_floatcount; ++i) { WriteLong(MSG_ENTITY, this.nent_floats[i]); } return true; } void Kill_Notification( NOTIF broadcast, entity client, /** message group, MSG_Null for all */ MSG net_type, /** cpid group, CPID_Null for all */ CPID net_cpid) { #ifdef NOTIFICATIONS_DEBUG Debug_Notification(sprintf( "Kill_Notification(%s, '%s', %s, %d);\n", Get_Notif_BroadcastName(broadcast), client.netname, (net_type ? Get_Notif_TypeName(net_type) : "0"), net_cpid )); #endif string checkargs = Notification_CheckArgs(broadcast, client); if (checkargs != "") { LOG_WARNF("Incorrect usage of Kill_Notification: %s", checkargs); return; } entity net_notif = new_pure(net_kill_notification); net_notif.nent_broadcast = broadcast; net_notif.nent_client = client; net_notif.nent_net_type = MSG_CENTER_KILL; net_notif.nent_net_name = ORDINAL(net_cpid); Net_LinkEntity(net_notif, false, autocvar_notification_lifetime_runtime, Net_Write_Notification); IL_EACH(g_notifications, (it.owner.nent_type == net_type || net_type == MSG_Null) && (it.owner.nent_cpid == net_cpid || net_cpid == CPID_Null), { it.nent_net_name = -1; it.nextthink = time; } ); } void Send_Notification( NOTIF broadcast, entity client, MSG net_type, Notification net_name, ...count) { if (broadcast == NOTIF_ONE_ONLY && !IS_REAL_CLIENT(client)) return; entity notif = net_name; string parms = sprintf("%s, '%s', %s, %s", Get_Notif_BroadcastName(broadcast), client.classname, Get_Notif_TypeName(net_type), net_name.registered_id ); #ifdef NOTIFICATIONS_DEBUG Debug_Notification(sprintf("Send_Notification(%s, ...%d);\n", parms, count)); #endif if (!notif) { LOG_WARN("Send_Notification: Could not find notification entity!"); return; } // check supplied broadcast, target, type, and name for errors string checkargs = Notification_CheckArgs(broadcast, client); if (!net_name) { checkargs = sprintf("No notification provided! %s", checkargs); } if (checkargs != "") { LOG_WARNF("Incorrect usage of Send_Notification: %s", checkargs); return; } string s1 = ((0 < notif.nent_stringcount) ? ...(0, string) : ""); string s2 = ((1 < notif.nent_stringcount) ? ...(1, string) : ""); string s3 = ((2 < notif.nent_stringcount) ? ...(2, string) : ""); string s4 = ((3 < notif.nent_stringcount) ? ...(3, string) : ""); float f1 = ((0 < notif.nent_floatcount) ? ...((notif.nent_stringcount + 0), float) : 0); float f2 = ((1 < notif.nent_floatcount) ? ...((notif.nent_stringcount + 1), float) : 0); float f3 = ((2 < notif.nent_floatcount) ? ...((notif.nent_stringcount + 2), float) : 0); float f4 = ((3 < notif.nent_floatcount) ? ...((notif.nent_stringcount + 3), float) : 0); #ifdef NOTIFICATIONS_DEBUG Debug_Notification(sprintf( "Send_Notification(%s, %s, %s);\n", parms, MakeConsoleSafe(sprintf("'%s^7', '%s^7', '%s^7', '%s^7'", s1, s2, s3, s4)), sprintf("%d, %d, %d, %d", f1, f2, f3, f4) )); #endif if ((notif.nent_stringcount + notif.nent_floatcount) != count) { LOG_WARNF( "Argument mismatch for Send_Notification(%s, ...)! " "stringcount(%d) + floatcount(%d) != count(%d)\n" "Check the definition and function call for accuracy...?\n", parms, notif.nent_stringcount, notif.nent_floatcount, count ); return; } if (server_is_dedicated && (broadcast == NOTIF_ALL || broadcast == NOTIF_ALL_EXCEPT) && !(net_type == MSG_ANNCE || net_type == MSG_CENTER) ) { Local_Notification_WOVA( net_type, net_name, notif.nent_stringcount, notif.nent_floatcount, s1, s2, s3, s4, f1, f2, f3, f4); } if (net_type == MSG_CHOICE) { // THIS GETS TRICKY... now we have to cycle through each possible player (checking broadcast) // and then do an individual NOTIF_ONE_ONLY recursive call for each one depending on their option... // It's slow, but it's better than the alternatives: // 1. Constantly networking all info and letting client decide // 2. Manually handling each separate call on per-usage basis (See old CTF usage of verbose) entity found_choice; #define RECURSE_FROM_CHOICE(ent,action) MACRO_BEGIN \ if (notif.nent_challow_var && (warmup_stage || (notif.nent_challow_var == 2))) { \ switch (CS_CVAR(ent).msg_choice_choices[net_name.nent_choice_idx]) \ { \ case 1: found_choice = notif.nent_optiona; break; \ case 2: found_choice = notif.nent_optionb; break; \ default: action; \ } \ } else { \ found_choice = notif.nent_optiona; \ } \ Send_Notification_WOVA( \ NOTIF_ONE_ONLY, \ ent, \ found_choice.nent_type, \ found_choice, \ found_choice.nent_stringcount, \ found_choice.nent_floatcount, \ s1, s2, s3, s4, \ f1, f2, f3, f4); \ MACRO_END switch (broadcast) { case NOTIF_ONE_ONLY: // we can potentially save processing power with this broadcast method { if (IS_REAL_CLIENT(client)) { RECURSE_FROM_CHOICE(client, return); } break; } default: { FOREACH_CLIENT(Notification_ShouldSend(broadcast, it, client), { RECURSE_FROM_CHOICE(it, continue); }); break; } } } else { entity net_notif = new_pure(net_notification); IL_PUSH(g_notifications, net_notif); net_notif.owner = notif; net_notif.nent_broadcast = broadcast; net_notif.nent_client = client; net_notif.nent_net_type = net_type; net_notif.nent_net_name = notif.m_id; net_notif.nent_stringcount = notif.nent_stringcount; net_notif.nent_floatcount = notif.nent_floatcount; for (int i = 0; i < net_notif.nent_stringcount; ++i) { net_notif.nent_strings[i] = strzone(...(i, string)); } for (int i = 0; i < net_notif.nent_floatcount; ++i) { net_notif.nent_floats[i] = ...((net_notif.nent_stringcount + i), float); } setthink(net_notif, Net_Notification_Remove); net_notif.nextthink = (time > autocvar_notification_lifetime_mapload) ? (time + autocvar_notification_lifetime_runtime) : autocvar_notification_lifetime_mapload; Net_LinkEntity(net_notif, false, 0, Net_Write_Notification); } } // WOVA = Without Variable Arguments void Send_Notification_WOVA( NOTIF broadcast, entity client, MSG net_type, Notification net_name, float stringcount, float floatcount, string s1, string s2, string s3, string s4, float f1, float f2, float f3, float f4) { #ifdef NOTIFICATIONS_DEBUG entity notif = net_name; Debug_Notification(sprintf( "Send_Notification_WOVA(%s, %d, %d, %s, %s);\n", sprintf( "%s, '%s', %s, %s", Get_Notif_BroadcastName(broadcast), client.classname, Get_Notif_TypeName(net_type), notif.nent_name ), stringcount, floatcount, MakeConsoleSafe(sprintf("'%s^7', '%s^7', '%s^7', '%s^7'", s1, s2, s3, s4)), sprintf("%d, %d, %d, %d", f1, f2, f3, f4) )); #endif #define VARITEM(stringc, floatc, args) \ if ((stringcount == stringc) && (floatcount == floatc)) \ { Send_Notification(broadcast, client, net_type, net_name, args); return; } EIGHT_VARS_TO_VARARGS_VARLIST #undef VARITEM Send_Notification(broadcast, client, net_type, net_name); // some notifications don't have any arguments at all } // WOCOVA = Without Counts Or Variable Arguments void Send_Notification_WOCOVA( NOTIF broadcast, entity client, MSG net_type, Notification net_name, string s1, string s2, string s3, string s4, float f1, float f2, float f3, float f4) { entity notif = net_name; #ifdef NOTIFICATIONS_DEBUG Debug_Notification(sprintf( "Send_Notification_WOCOVA(%s, %s, %s);\n", sprintf( "%s, '%s', %s, %s", Get_Notif_BroadcastName(broadcast), client.classname, Get_Notif_TypeName(net_type), notif.nent_name ), MakeConsoleSafe(sprintf("'%s^7', '%s^7', '%s^7', '%s^7'", s1, s2, s3, s4)), sprintf("%d, %d, %d, %d", f1, f2, f3, f4) )); #endif #define VARITEM(stringc, floatc, args) \ if ((notif.nent_stringcount == stringc) && (notif.nent_floatcount == floatc)) \ { Send_Notification(broadcast, client, net_type, net_name, args); return; } EIGHT_VARS_TO_VARARGS_VARLIST #undef VARITEM Send_Notification(broadcast, client, net_type, net_name); // some notifications don't have any arguments at all } #endif // ifdef SVQC