#include "mage.qh" #ifdef SVQC float autocvar_g_monster_mage_health; float autocvar_g_monster_mage_damageforcescale = 0.5; float autocvar_g_monster_mage_attack_spike_damage; float autocvar_g_monster_mage_attack_spike_radius; float autocvar_g_monster_mage_attack_spike_delay; float autocvar_g_monster_mage_attack_spike_accel; float autocvar_g_monster_mage_attack_spike_decel; float autocvar_g_monster_mage_attack_spike_chance = 0.45; float autocvar_g_monster_mage_attack_spike_turnrate; float autocvar_g_monster_mage_attack_spike_speed_max; float autocvar_g_monster_mage_attack_spike_smart; float autocvar_g_monster_mage_attack_spike_smart_trace_min; float autocvar_g_monster_mage_attack_spike_smart_trace_max; float autocvar_g_monster_mage_attack_spike_smart_mindist; float autocvar_g_monster_mage_attack_push_chance = 0.7; float autocvar_g_monster_mage_attack_push_damage; float autocvar_g_monster_mage_attack_push_radius; float autocvar_g_monster_mage_attack_push_delay; float autocvar_g_monster_mage_attack_push_force; float autocvar_g_monster_mage_attack_teleport_chance = 0.2; float autocvar_g_monster_mage_attack_teleport_delay = 2; float autocvar_g_monster_mage_attack_teleport_random = 0.4; float autocvar_g_monster_mage_attack_teleport_random_range = 1200; float autocvar_g_monster_mage_heal_allies; float autocvar_g_monster_mage_heal_minhealth; float autocvar_g_monster_mage_heal_range; float autocvar_g_monster_mage_heal_delay; float autocvar_g_monster_mage_shield_time; float autocvar_g_monster_mage_shield_delay; float autocvar_g_monster_mage_shield_blockpercent; float autocvar_g_monster_mage_speed_stop; float autocvar_g_monster_mage_speed_run; float autocvar_g_monster_mage_speed_walk; SOUND(MageSpike_FIRE, W_Sound("electro_fire")); void M_Mage_Attack_Spike(entity this, vector dir); void M_Mage_Attack_Push(entity this); METHOD(MageSpike, wr_think, void(MageSpike thiswep, entity actor, .entity weaponentity, int fire)) { TC(MageSpike, thiswep); if (fire & 1) if (!IS_PLAYER(actor) || weapon_prepareattack(thiswep, actor, weaponentity, false, 0.2)) { if (!actor.target_range) actor.target_range = autocvar_g_monsters_target_range; actor.enemy = Monster_FindTarget(actor); monster_makevectors(actor, actor.enemy); W_SetupShot_Dir(actor, weaponentity, v_forward, false, 0, SND_MageSpike_FIRE, CH_WEAPON_B, 0, DEATH_MONSTER_MAGE.m_id); if (!IS_PLAYER(actor)) w_shotdir = normalize((actor.enemy.origin + '0 0 10') - actor.origin); M_Mage_Attack_Spike(actor, w_shotdir); weapon_thinkf(actor, weaponentity, WFRAME_FIRE1, 0, w_ready); } if (fire & 2) if (!IS_PLAYER(actor) || weapon_prepareattack(thiswep, actor, weaponentity, true, 0.5)) { M_Mage_Attack_Push(actor); weapon_thinkf(actor, weaponentity, WFRAME_FIRE2, 0, w_ready); } } void M_Mage_Attack_Teleport(entity this, entity targ); CLASS(OffhandMageTeleport, OffhandWeapon) .bool OffhandMageTeleport_key_pressed; METHOD(OffhandMageTeleport, offhand_think, void(OffhandMageTeleport this, entity player, bool key_pressed)) { TC(OffhandMageTeleport, this); if (key_pressed && !player.OffhandMageTeleport_key_pressed) M_Mage_Attack_Teleport(player, player.enemy); player.OffhandMageTeleport_key_pressed = key_pressed; } ENDCLASS(OffhandMageTeleport) OffhandMageTeleport OFFHAND_MAGE_TELEPORT; STATIC_INIT(OFFHAND_MAGE_TELEPORT) { OFFHAND_MAGE_TELEPORT = NEW(OffhandMageTeleport); } void M_Mage_Defend_Heal(entity this); void M_Mage_Defend_Shield(entity this); .entity mage_spike; .float mage_shield_delay; bool M_Mage_Defend_Heal_Check(entity this, entity targ) { if(targ == NULL) return false; if(GetResource(targ, RES_HEALTH) <= 0) return false; if(DIFF_TEAM(targ, this) && targ != this.monster_follow) return false; if(STAT(FROZEN, targ)) return false; if(!IS_PLAYER(targ)) return (IS_MONSTER(targ) && GetResource(targ, RES_HEALTH) < targ.max_health); if(StatusEffects_active(STATUSEFFECT_Shield, targ)) return false; switch(this.skin) { case 0: return (GetResource(targ, RES_HEALTH) < autocvar_g_balance_health_regenstable); case 1: { return ((GetResource(targ, RES_CELLS) && GetResource(targ, RES_CELLS) < g_pickup_cells_max) || (GetResource(targ, RES_ROCKETS) && GetResource(targ, RES_ROCKETS) < g_pickup_rockets_max) || (GetResource(targ, RES_BULLETS) && GetResource(targ, RES_BULLETS) < g_pickup_nails_max) || (GetResource(targ, RES_SHELLS) && GetResource(targ, RES_SHELLS) < g_pickup_shells_max) ); } case 2: return (GetResource(targ, RES_ARMOR) < autocvar_g_balance_armor_regenstable); } return false; } void M_Mage_Attack_Spike_Explode(entity this, entity directhitentity) { this.event_damage = func_null; sound(this, CH_SHOTS, SND_GRENADE_IMPACT, VOL_BASE, ATTEN_NORM); this.realowner.mage_spike = NULL; Send_Effect(EFFECT_EXPLOSION_SMALL, this.origin, '0 0 0', 1); RadiusDamage (this, this.realowner, (autocvar_g_monster_mage_attack_spike_damage), (autocvar_g_monster_mage_attack_spike_damage) * 0.5, (autocvar_g_monster_mage_attack_spike_radius), NULL, NULL, 0, DEATH_MONSTER_MAGE.m_id, DMG_NOWEP, directhitentity); delete(this); } void M_Mage_Attack_Spike_Touch(entity this, entity toucher) { PROJECTILE_TOUCH(this, toucher); M_Mage_Attack_Spike_Explode(this, toucher); } .float wait; // copied from W_Seeker_Think void M_Mage_Attack_Spike_Think(entity this) { if (time > this.ltime || (this.enemy && GetResource(this.enemy, RES_HEALTH) <= 0) || !this.owner || GetResource(this.owner, RES_HEALTH) <= 0) { this.projectiledeathtype |= HITTYPE_SPLASH; M_Mage_Attack_Spike_Explode(this, NULL); } float spd = vlen(this.velocity); spd = bound( spd - (autocvar_g_monster_mage_attack_spike_decel) * frametime, (autocvar_g_monster_mage_attack_spike_speed_max), spd + (autocvar_g_monster_mage_attack_spike_accel) * frametime ); if (this.enemy != NULL) if (this.enemy.takedamage != DAMAGE_AIM || IS_DEAD(this.enemy)) this.enemy = NULL; if (this.enemy != NULL) { entity e = this.enemy; vector eorg = 0.5 * (e.absmin + e.absmax); float turnrate = (autocvar_g_monster_mage_attack_spike_turnrate); // how fast to turn vector desireddir = normalize(eorg - this.origin); vector olddir = normalize(this.velocity); // get my current direction // Do evasive maneuvers for world objects? ( this should be a cpu hog. :P ) if ((autocvar_g_monster_mage_attack_spike_smart) && vdist(eorg - this.origin, >, autocvar_g_monster_mage_attack_spike_smart_mindist)) { // Is it a better idea (shorter distance) to trace to the target itself? if ( vlen2(this.origin + olddir * this.wait) < vlen2(eorg - this.origin)) traceline(this.origin, this.origin + olddir * this.wait, false, this); else traceline(this.origin, eorg, false, this); // Setup adaptive tracelength this.wait = bound((autocvar_g_monster_mage_attack_spike_smart_trace_min), vlen(this.origin - trace_endpos), this.wait = (autocvar_g_monster_mage_attack_spike_smart_trace_max)); // Calc how important it is that we turn and add this to the desierd (enemy) dir. desireddir = normalize(((trace_plane_normal * (1 - trace_fraction)) + (desireddir * trace_fraction)) * 0.5); } vector newdir = normalize(olddir + desireddir * turnrate); // take the average of the 2 directions; not the best method but simple & easy this.velocity = newdir * spd; // make me fly in the new direction at my flight speed } /////////////// //this.angles = vectoangles(this.velocity); // turn model in the new flight direction this.nextthink = time;// + 0.05; // csqc projectiles UpdateCSQCProjectile(this); } void M_Mage_Attack_Spike(entity this, vector dir) { makevectors(this.angles); entity missile = new(M_Mage_Attack_Spike); missile.owner = missile.realowner = this; setthink(missile, M_Mage_Attack_Spike_Think); missile.ltime = time + 7; missile.nextthink = time; missile.solid = SOLID_BBOX; set_movetype(missile, MOVETYPE_FLYMISSILE); missile.flags = FL_PROJECTILE; IL_PUSH(g_projectiles, missile); IL_PUSH(g_bot_dodge, missile); setorigin(missile, this.origin + v_forward * 14 + '0 0 30' + v_right * -14); setsize(missile, '0 0 0', '0 0 0'); missile.velocity = dir * 400; missile.avelocity = '300 300 300'; missile.enemy = this.enemy; settouch(missile, M_Mage_Attack_Spike_Touch); this.mage_spike = missile; CSQCProjectile(missile, true, PROJECTILE_MAGE_SPIKE, true); } void M_Mage_Defend_Heal(entity this) { bool washealed = false; FOREACH_ENTITY_RADIUS(this.origin, autocvar_g_monster_mage_heal_range, M_Mage_Defend_Heal_Check(this, it), { washealed = true; entity fx = EFFECT_Null; if(IS_PLAYER(it)) { switch(this.skin) { case 0: { Heal(it, this, autocvar_g_monster_mage_heal_allies, autocvar_g_balance_health_regenstable); fx = EFFECT_HEALING; break; } case 1: { if(GetResource(it, RES_CELLS)) GiveResourceWithLimit(it, RES_CELLS, 1, g_pickup_cells_max); if(GetResource(it, RES_ROCKETS)) GiveResourceWithLimit(it, RES_ROCKETS, 1, g_pickup_rockets_max); if(GetResource(it, RES_SHELLS)) GiveResourceWithLimit(it, RES_SHELLS, 2, g_pickup_shells_max); if(GetResource(it, RES_BULLETS)) GiveResourceWithLimit(it, RES_BULLETS, 5, g_pickup_nails_max); // TODO: fuel? fx = EFFECT_AMMO_REGEN; break; } case 2: if(GetResource(it, RES_ARMOR) < autocvar_g_balance_armor_regenstable) { GiveResourceWithLimit(it, RES_ARMOR, autocvar_g_monster_mage_heal_allies, autocvar_g_balance_armor_regenstable); fx = EFFECT_ARMOR_REPAIR; } break; } Send_Effect(fx, it.origin, '0 0 0', 1); } else { Send_Effect(EFFECT_HEALING, it.origin, '0 0 0', 1); Heal(it, this, autocvar_g_monster_mage_heal_allies, RES_LIMIT_NONE); if(!(it.spawnflags & MONSTERFLAG_INVINCIBLE) && it.sprite) WaypointSprite_UpdateHealth(it.sprite, GetResource(it, RES_HEALTH)); } }); if(washealed) { setanim(this, this.anim_melee, true, true, true); this.attack_finished_single[0] = time + (autocvar_g_monster_mage_heal_delay); this.state = MONSTER_ATTACK_MELEE; this.anim_finished = time + 1.5; } } void M_Mage_Attack_Push(entity this) { sound(this, CH_SHOTS, SND_TAGEXP1, 1, ATTEN_NORM); RadiusDamage (this, this, (autocvar_g_monster_mage_attack_push_damage), (autocvar_g_monster_mage_attack_push_damage), (autocvar_g_monster_mage_attack_push_radius), NULL, NULL, (autocvar_g_monster_mage_attack_push_force), DEATH_MONSTER_MAGE.m_id, DMG_NOWEP, this.enemy); Send_Effect(EFFECT_TE_EXPLOSION, this.origin, '0 0 0', 1); setanim(this, this.anim_duckjump, true, true, true); this.attack_finished_single[0] = time + (autocvar_g_monster_mage_attack_push_delay); this.anim_finished = time + 1; this.state = MONSTER_ATTACK_MELEE; // prevent moving while firing spike } void M_Mage_Attack_Teleport(entity this, entity targ) { if(!targ) return; if(vdist(targ.origin - this.origin, >, autocvar_g_monster_mage_attack_teleport_random_range)) return; if(autocvar_g_monster_mage_attack_teleport_random && random() <= autocvar_g_monster_mage_attack_teleport_random) { vector oldpos = this.origin; vector extrasize = '1 1 1' * autocvar_g_monster_mage_attack_teleport_random_range; if(MoveToRandomLocationWithinBounds(this, this.absmin - extrasize, this.absmax + extrasize, DPCONTENTS_SOLID | DPCONTENTS_CORPSE | DPCONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP, DPCONTENTS_SLIME | DPCONTENTS_LAVA | DPCONTENTS_SKY | DPCONTENTS_BODY | DPCONTENTS_DONOTENTER, Q3SURFACEFLAG_SKY, 10, 64, 256, true)) { vector a = vectoangles(targ.origin - this.origin); this.angles = '0 1 0' * a.y; this.fixangle = true; Send_Effect(EFFECT_SPAWN_NEUTRAL, oldpos, '0 0 0', 1); Send_Effect(EFFECT_SPAWN_NEUTRAL, this.origin, '0 0 0', 1); this.attack_finished_single[0] = time + autocvar_g_monster_mage_attack_teleport_delay; return; } } if(!IS_ONGROUND(targ)) return; makevectors(targ.angles); tracebox(CENTER_OR_VIEWOFS(targ), this.mins, this.maxs, CENTER_OR_VIEWOFS(targ) + ((v_forward * -1) * 200), MOVE_NOMONSTERS, this); if(trace_fraction < 1) return; vector newpos = trace_endpos; Send_Effect(EFFECT_SPAWN_NEUTRAL, this.origin, '0 0 0', 1); Send_Effect(EFFECT_SPAWN_NEUTRAL, newpos, '0 0 0', 1); setorigin(this, newpos); vector a = vectoangles(targ.origin - this.origin); a.x = -a.x; this.angles_x = a.x; this.angles_y = a.y; this.fixangle = true; this.velocity *= 0.5; this.attack_finished_single[0] = time + autocvar_g_monster_mage_attack_teleport_delay; } void M_Mage_Defend_Shield(entity this) { StatusEffects_apply(STATUSEFFECT_Shield, this, time + autocvar_g_monster_mage_shield_time, 0); this.mage_shield_delay = time + (autocvar_g_monster_mage_shield_delay); SetResourceExplicit(this, RES_ARMOR, autocvar_g_monster_mage_shield_blockpercent); setanim(this, this.anim_shoot, true, true, true); this.attack_finished_single[0] = time + 1; // give just a short cooldown on attacking this.anim_finished = time + 1; } bool M_Mage_Attack(int attack_type, entity actor, entity targ, .entity weaponentity) { switch(attack_type) { case MONSTER_ATTACK_MELEE: { if(random() <= autocvar_g_monster_mage_attack_push_chance) { Weapon wep = WEP_MAGE_SPIKE; wep.wr_think(wep, actor, weaponentity, 2); return true; } return false; } case MONSTER_ATTACK_RANGED: { if(random() <= autocvar_g_monster_mage_attack_teleport_chance) { OffhandWeapon off = OFFHAND_MAGE_TELEPORT; actor.OffhandMageTeleport_key_pressed = 0; off.offhand_think(off, actor, 1); return true; } else if(!actor.mage_spike && random() <= autocvar_g_monster_mage_attack_spike_chance) { setanim(actor, actor.anim_shoot, true, true, true); actor.attack_finished_single[0] = time + (autocvar_g_monster_mage_attack_spike_delay); actor.anim_finished = time + 1; actor.state = MONSTER_ATTACK_MELEE; // prevent moving while firing spike Weapon wep = WEP_MAGE_SPIKE; wep.wr_think(wep, actor, weaponentity, 1); return true; } return false; } } return false; } spawnfunc(monster_mage) { Monster_Spawn(this, true, MON_MAGE); } #endif // SVQC #ifdef SVQC METHOD(Mage, mr_think, bool(Mage thismon, entity actor)) { TC(Mage, thismon); bool need_help = false; FOREACH_CLIENT(IS_PLAYER(it) && it != actor, { if(vdist(it.origin - actor.origin, <=, autocvar_g_monster_mage_heal_range)) if(M_Mage_Defend_Heal_Check(actor, it)) { need_help = true; break; } }); if(!need_help) { IL_EACH(g_monsters, it != actor, { if(vdist(it.origin - actor.origin, <=, autocvar_g_monster_mage_heal_range)) if(M_Mage_Defend_Heal_Check(actor, it)) { need_help = true; break; } }); } if(GetResource(actor, RES_HEALTH) < (autocvar_g_monster_mage_heal_minhealth) || need_help) if(time >= actor.attack_finished_single[0]) if(random() < 0.5) M_Mage_Defend_Heal(actor); if(actor.enemy && time >= actor.mage_shield_delay && random() < 0.5) if(GetResource(actor, RES_HEALTH) < actor.max_health && !StatusEffects_active(STATUSEFFECT_Shield, actor)) M_Mage_Defend_Shield(actor); return true; } METHOD(Mage, mr_pain, float(Mage this, entity actor, float damage_take, entity attacker, float deathtype)) { TC(Mage, this); return damage_take; } METHOD(Mage, mr_death, bool(Mage this, entity actor)) { TC(Mage, this); setanim(actor, ((random() > 0.5) ? actor.anim_die2 : actor.anim_die1), false, true, true); return true; } #endif #ifdef GAMEQC METHOD(Mage, mr_anim, bool(Mage this, entity actor)) { TC(Mage, this); vector none = '0 0 0'; actor.anim_idle = animfixfps(actor, '0 1 1', none); actor.anim_walk = animfixfps(actor, '1 1 1', none); actor.anim_run = animfixfps(actor, '1 1 1', none); actor.anim_shoot = animfixfps(actor, '2 1 5', none); // analyze models and set framerate actor.anim_duckjump = animfixfps(actor, '4 1 5', none); // analyze models and set framerate actor.anim_melee = animfixfps(actor, '5 1 5', none); // analyze models and set framerate //actor.anim_fire1 = animfixfps(actor, '3 1 5', none); // analyze models and set framerate //actor.anim_fire2 = animfixfps(actor, '4 1 5', none); // analyze models and set framerate //actor.anim_fire3 = animfixfps(actor, '5 1 5', none); // analyze models and set framerate actor.anim_pain1 = animfixfps(actor, '6 1 2', none); // 0.5 seconds actor.anim_pain2 = animfixfps(actor, '7 1 2', none); // 0.5 seconds //actor.anim_pain3 = animfixfps(actor, '8 1 2', none); // 0.5 seconds actor.anim_die1 = animfixfps(actor, '9 1 0.5', none); // 2 seconds actor.anim_die2 = animfixfps(actor, '10 1 0.5', none); // 2 seconds //actor.anim_dead1 = animfixfps(actor, '11 1 0.5', none); // 2 seconds //actor.anim_dead2 = animfixfps(actor, '12 1 0.5', none); // 2 seconds return true; } #endif #ifdef SVQC .float speed; METHOD(Mage, mr_setup, bool(Mage this, entity actor)) { TC(Mage, this); if(!GetResource(this, RES_HEALTH)) SetResourceExplicit(actor, RES_HEALTH, autocvar_g_monster_mage_health); if(!actor.speed) { actor.speed = (autocvar_g_monster_mage_speed_walk); } if(!actor.speed2) { actor.speed2 = (autocvar_g_monster_mage_speed_run); } if(!actor.stopspeed) { actor.stopspeed = (autocvar_g_monster_mage_speed_stop); } if(!actor.damageforcescale) { actor.damageforcescale = (autocvar_g_monster_mage_damageforcescale); } actor.monster_loot = ITEM_HealthBig; actor.monster_attackfunc = M_Mage_Attack; return true; } #endif