#pragma once #ifdef CSQC #include #include #include #endif // This includes some functions useful for debugging. // Some more bot-specific ones are in server/pathlib/debug.qc. // Look for other useful commands under prvm_* in console (apropos / search). #ifdef CSQC .entity tag_entity; #endif #ifdef GAMEQC .bool debug; .int sv_entnum; REGISTER_NET_TEMP(net_debug) #endif #ifdef CSQC NET_HANDLE(net_debug, bool isNew) { Net_Accept(net_debug); this.sv_entnum = ReadShort(); if (ReadByte()) make_pure(this); this.origin = ReadVector(); setorigin(this, this.origin); this.debug = true; // identify server entities by this this.classname = strzone(ReadString()); this.sourceLoc = strzone(ReadString()); return true; } #endif #ifdef SVQC bool debug_send(entity this, entity to, int sf) { int channel = MSG_ONE; msg_entity = to; WriteHeader(channel, net_debug); WriteShort(channel, etof(this)); WriteByte(channel, is_pure(this)); vector o = this.origin; if (o == '0 0 0') // brushes o = (this.absmin + this.absmax) / 2; if (this.tag_entity) o += this.tag_entity.origin; WriteVector(channel, o); WriteString(channel, this.classname); WriteString(channel, this.sourceLoc); return true; } #endif #if ENABLE_DEBUGDRAW #ifdef GAMEQC /** * 0: off * 1: on * 2: on (pure) * 3: on (.entnum != 0) * 4: on (.origin == '0 0 0') * 5: on (.debug != 0), server only * 6: on (.solid != 0) */ bool autocvar_debugdraw; #endif // GAMEQC #ifdef CSQC string autocvar_debugdraw_filter, autocvar_debugdraw_filterout; .int debugdraw_last; vector project_3d_to_2d(vector vec); void Debug_Draw() { if (!autocvar_debugdraw) return; static int debugdraw_frame; ++debugdraw_frame; const int sz = 8; FOREACH_ENTITY(true, { if (it.debugdraw_last == debugdraw_frame) continue; int ofs = 0; FOREACH_ENTITY_RADIUS(it.origin, 100, it.debugdraw_last != debugdraw_frame, { it.debugdraw_last = debugdraw_frame; vector rgb = (it.debug) ? '0 0 1' : '1 0 0'; if (autocvar_debugdraw_filterout != "" && strhasword(autocvar_debugdraw_filterout, it.classname)) continue; if (autocvar_debugdraw_filter != "" && !strhasword(autocvar_debugdraw_filter, it.classname)) continue; if (autocvar_debugdraw == 3) { if (!it.entnum) continue; } if (autocvar_debugdraw == 4) { if (it.origin) continue; } if (autocvar_debugdraw == 5) { if (!it.debug) continue; } else if (autocvar_debugdraw > 5) { bool flag = true; do { // if (it.modelindex) break; // if (it.absmin) break; // if (it.absmax) break; // if (it.entnum) break; // if (it.drawmask) break; // if (it.predraw) break; // if (it.move_movetype) break; if (it.solid) break; // if (it.origin) break; // if (it.oldorigin) break; // if (it.velocity) break; // if (it.angles) break; // if (it.avelocity) break; // if (it.classname) break; // if (it.model) break; // if (it.frame) break; // if (it.skin) break; // if (it.effects) break; // if (it.mins) break; // if (it.maxs) break; // if (it.size) break; // if (it.touch) break; // if (it.use) break; // if (it.think) break; // if (it.blocked) break; // if (it.nextthink) break; // if (it.chain) break; // if (it.netname) break; // if (it.enemy) break; // if (it.flags) break; // if (it.colormap) break; // if (it.owner) break; flag = false; } while (0); if (!flag) continue; } else if (is_pure(it)) { if (autocvar_debugdraw < 2) continue; rgb.y = 1; } vector o = it.origin; if (it.tag_entity) o += it.tag_entity.origin; vector pos = project_3d_to_2d(o); if (pos.z < 0) continue; pos.z = 0; pos.y += ofs * sz; drawcolorcodedstring2_builtin(pos, sprintf("%d: '%s'@%s", (it.debug ? it.sv_entnum : etof(it)), it.classname, it.sourceLoc), sz * '1 1 0', rgb, 0.5, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); ++ofs; }); }); } #endif // CSQC #ifdef SVQC COMMON_COMMAND(debugdraw_sv, "Dump all server entities") { switch (request) { case CMD_REQUEST_COMMAND: { if (!autocvar_debugdraw) return; int n = 1000; int rem = n; for (entity e = NULL; (e = findfloat(e, debug, 0)) && rem > 0; ) { if (autocvar_debugdraw < 2 && is_pure(e)) continue; debug_send(e, caller, 0); e.debug = true; --rem; } LOG_INFOF("%d server entities sent", n - rem); return; } default: case CMD_REQUEST_USAGE: { LOG_HELP("Usage:^3 ", GetProgramCommandPrefix(), " debugdraw_sv"); return; } } } #endif // SVQC #endif // ENABLE_DEBUGDRAW GENERIC_COMMAND(bufstr_get, "Examine a string buffer object", false) { switch (request) { case CMD_REQUEST_COMMAND: { int bufhandle = stof(argv(1)); int string_index = stof(argv(2)); LOG_INFO(bufstr_get(bufhandle, string_index)); return; } default: case CMD_REQUEST_USAGE: { LOG_HELP("Usage:^3 ", GetProgramCommandPrefix(), " bufstr_get "); return; } } } GENERIC_COMMAND(version, "Print the current version", false) { switch (request) { case CMD_REQUEST_COMMAND: { LOG_INFO(PROGNAME, " version: ", WATERMARK); return; } default: case CMD_REQUEST_USAGE: { LOG_HELP("Usage:^3 ", GetProgramCommandPrefix(), " version"); return; } } } #ifdef CSQC void(float bufhandle, string pattern, string antipattern) buf_cvarlist = #517; #endif GENERIC_COMMAND(cvar_localchanges, "Print locally changed cvars", false) { switch (request) { case CMD_REQUEST_COMMAND: { string s = ""; int h = buf_create(); buf_cvarlist(h, "", "_"); // exclude all _ cvars as they are temporary int n = buf_getsize(h); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { string k = bufstr_get(h, i); string v = cvar_string(k); string d = cvar_defstring(k); if (v == d) continue; s = strcat(s, k, " \"", v, "\" // \"", d, "\"\n"); } buf_del(h); LOG_INFO(s); return; } default: case CMD_REQUEST_USAGE: { LOG_HELP("Usage:^3 ", GetProgramCommandPrefix(), " cvar_localchanges"); return; } } } #if ENABLE_DEBUGTRACE REGISTER_STAT(TRACE_ENT, INT) #ifdef SVQC bool autocvar_debugtrace; REGISTER_MUTATOR(trace, autocvar_debugtrace); .bool debug_trace_button; .int solid_prev; MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(trace, SV_StartFrame) { FOREACH_CLIENT(true, { bool skip = false; bool btn = PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_HOOK(it); if (btn == it.debug_trace_button) skip = true; it.debug_trace_button = btn; if (!btn || skip) continue; FOREACH_ENTITY(true, { it.solid_prev = it.solid; it.solid = SOLID_BBOX; }); vector forward = '0 0 0'; vector right = '0 0 0'; vector up = '0 0 0'; MAKE_VECTORS(it.v_angle, forward, right, up); vector pos = it.origin + it.view_ofs; traceline(pos, pos + forward * max_shot_distance, MOVE_NORMAL, it); FOREACH_ENTITY(true, { it.solid = it.solid_prev; it.solid_prev = 0; }); entity e = trace_ent; int i = etof(e); STAT(TRACE_ENT, it) = i; if (!e) continue; setorigin(e, e.origin + '0 0 100'); stuffcmd(it, sprintf("prvm_edict server %d\n", i)); }); } #endif // SVQC #ifdef CSQC entity TRACE_ENT; void Trace_draw2d(entity this) { int e = STAT(TRACE_ENT); if (!e) return; vector pos = '0 0 0'; pos.y += vid_conheight / 2; drawstring(pos, sprintf("prvm_edict server %d", e), '10 10 0', '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } STATIC_INIT(TRACE_ENT) { entity e = TRACE_ENT = new_pure(TRACE_ENT); e.draw2d = Trace_draw2d; IL_PUSH(g_drawables_2d, e); } #endif // CSQC #endif GENERIC_COMMAND(findent, "Search through entities for matching classname", false) { switch (request) { case CMD_REQUEST_COMMAND: { int entcnt = 0; FOREACH_ENTITY_CLASS_ORDERED(argv(1), true, { LOG_HELPF("%i (%s)", it, it.classname); ++entcnt; }); if(entcnt) LOG_HELPF("Found %d entities", entcnt); return; } default: LOG_INFOF("Incorrect parameters for ^2%s^7", argv(0)); case CMD_REQUEST_USAGE: { LOG_HELP("Usage:^3 " GetProgramCommandPrefix() " find "); LOG_HELP(" Where is the classname to search for."); return; } } } GENERIC_COMMAND(findat, "Search through entities for matching origin", false) { switch (request) { case CMD_REQUEST_COMMAND: { vector org = stov(argv(1)); float dist = stof(argv(2)); int entcnt = 0; FOREACH_ENTITY_ORDERED(true, { if (dist > 0) { if (!vdist(it.origin - org, <, dist)) continue; } else if (it.origin != org) continue; LOG_HELPF("%i (%s)", it, it.classname); ++entcnt; }); if(entcnt) LOG_HELPF("Found %d entities", entcnt); return; } default: LOG_INFOF("Incorrect parameters for ^2%s^7", argv(0)); case CMD_REQUEST_USAGE: { LOG_HELP("Usage:^3 " GetProgramCommandPrefix() " findat []"); LOG_HELP(" Where is a vector \"x y z\""); return; } } } // debug_test() allows drawing text from server on the client anywhere in world coordinates. #ifdef GAMEQC REGISTER_NET_TEMP(debug_text_3d); #endif #ifdef CSQC CLASS(DebugText3d, Object) // reusing existing fields ATTRIB(DebugText3d, origin, vector); ATTRIB(DebugText3d, message, string); // the text (i wanted to use the .text field but then this whole macro-based-inheritance thing shat itself) ATTRIB(DebugText3d, health, float); // text alignment (recycled field) ATTRIB(DebugText3d, hit_time, float); // when it was created ATTRIB(DebugText3d, fade_rate, float); // how fast it should disappear ATTRIB(DebugText3d, velocity, vector); CONSTRUCTOR(DebugText3d, vector pos, string msg, float align, float fade_rate_, vector vel) { CONSTRUCT(DebugText3d); this.origin = pos; this.message = strzone(msg); SetResource(this, RES_HEALTH, align); this.hit_time = time; this.fade_rate = fade_rate_; this.velocity = vel; IL_PUSH(g_drawables_2d, this); } DESTRUCTOR(DebugText3d) { strfree(this.message); } void DebugText3d_draw2d(DebugText3d this) { float since_created = time - this.hit_time; float alpha_ = 1 - since_created * this.fade_rate; if (alpha_ < 0) { delete(this); return; } int size = 11; vector screen_pos = project_3d_to_2d(this.origin) + since_created * this.velocity; if (screen_pos.z < 0) return; // behind camera screen_pos.z = 0; float align = GetResource(this, RES_HEALTH); string msg; vector msg_pos; int n = tokenizebyseparator(this.message, "\n"); for(int k = 0; k < n; ++k) { msg = argv(k); msg_pos = screen_pos + k * 1.25 * size * eY; if (align > 0) msg_pos.x -= stringwidth(msg, true, size * '1 1 0') * min(1, align); drawcolorcodedstring_builtin(msg_pos, msg, size * '1 1 0', alpha_, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } } ATTRIB(DebugText3d, draw2d, void(DebugText3d), DebugText3d_draw2d); ENDCLASS(DebugText3d) NET_HANDLE(debug_text_3d, bool is_new) { vector pos = ReadVector(); string msg = ReadString(); float align = ReadFloat(); float duration = ReadFloat(); vector vel = ReadVector(); make_impure(NEW(DebugText3d, pos, msg, align, 1 / duration, vel)); return true; } #endif // CSQC #ifdef SVQC // can't use autocvars because they give unused warning unless the macros are expanded #define debug_text_3d(...) EVAL(OVERLOAD(debug_text_3d, __VA_ARGS__)) #define debug_text_3d_2(pos, msg) debug_text_3d_3(pos, msg, cvar("debug_text_3d_default_align")) #define debug_text_3d_3(pos, msg, align) debug_text_3d_4(pos, msg, align, cvar("debug_text_3d_default_duration")) #define debug_text_3d_4(pos, msg, align, dur) debug_text_3d_5(pos, msg, align, dur, stov(cvar_string("debug_text_3d_default_velocity"))) #define debug_text_3d_5(pos, msg, align, dur, vel) debug_text_3d_fn(pos, msg, align, dur, vel) ERASEABLE void debug_text_3d_fn(vector pos, string msg, float align, float duration, vector vel) { WriteHeader(MSG_BROADCAST, debug_text_3d); WriteVector(MSG_BROADCAST, pos); WriteString(MSG_BROADCAST, msg); WriteFloat(MSG_BROADCAST, align); WriteFloat(MSG_BROADCAST, duration); WriteVector(MSG_BROADCAST, vel); } #endif // SVQC