#include "weapons.qh" #include #include #include // Weapons (#0) void HUD_Weapons_Export(int fh) { HUD_Write_Cvar("hud_panel_weapons_accuracy"); HUD_Write_Cvar("hud_panel_weapons_label"); HUD_Write_Cvar("hud_panel_weapons_label_scale"); HUD_Write_Cvar("hud_panel_weapons_complainbubble"); HUD_Write_Cvar("hud_panel_weapons_complainbubble_padding"); HUD_Write_Cvar("hud_panel_weapons_complainbubble_time"); HUD_Write_Cvar("hud_panel_weapons_complainbubble_fadetime"); HUD_Write_Cvar("hud_panel_weapons_complainbubble_color_outofammo"); HUD_Write_Cvar("hud_panel_weapons_complainbubble_color_donthave"); HUD_Write_Cvar("hud_panel_weapons_complainbubble_color_unavailable"); HUD_Write_Cvar("hud_panel_weapons_ammo"); HUD_Write_Cvar("hud_panel_weapons_ammo_color"); HUD_Write_Cvar("hud_panel_weapons_ammo_alpha"); HUD_Write_Cvar("hud_panel_weapons_aspect"); HUD_Write_Cvar("hud_panel_weapons_timeout"); HUD_Write_Cvar("hud_panel_weapons_timeout_effect"); HUD_Write_Cvar("hud_panel_weapons_timeout_fadebgmin"); HUD_Write_Cvar("hud_panel_weapons_timeout_fadefgmin"); HUD_Write_Cvar("hud_panel_weapons_timeout_speed_in"); HUD_Write_Cvar("hud_panel_weapons_timeout_speed_out"); HUD_Write_Cvar("hud_panel_weapons_onlyowned"); HUD_Write_Cvar("hud_panel_weapons_noncurrent_alpha"); HUD_Write_Cvar("hud_panel_weapons_noncurrent_scale"); HUD_Write_Cvar("hud_panel_weapons_selection_radius"); HUD_Write_Cvar("hud_panel_weapons_selection_speed"); } void Accuracy_LoadLevels() { if(autocvar_accuracy_color_levels != acc_color_levels) { strcpy(acc_color_levels, autocvar_accuracy_color_levels); acc_levels = tokenize_console(acc_color_levels); if(acc_levels > MAX_ACCURACY_LEVELS) acc_levels = MAX_ACCURACY_LEVELS; if(acc_levels < 2) LOG_INFO("Warning: accuracy_color_levels must contain at least 2 values"); int i; for(i = 0; i < acc_levels; ++i) acc_lev[i] = stof(argv(i)) / 100.0; } } void Accuracy_LoadColors() { if(time > acc_col_loadtime) if(acc_levels >= 2) { int i; for(i = 0; i < acc_levels; ++i) acc_col[i] = stov(cvar_string(strcat("accuracy_color", ftos(i)))); acc_col_loadtime = time + 2; } } vector Accuracy_GetColor(float accuracy) { float factor; vector color; if(acc_levels < 2) return '0 0 0'; // return black, can't determine the right color // find the max level lower than acc int j = acc_levels-1; while(j && accuracy < acc_lev[j]) --j; // inject color j+1 in color j, how much depending on how much accuracy is higher than level j factor = (accuracy - acc_lev[j]) / (acc_lev[j+1] - acc_lev[j]); color = acc_col[j]; color = color + factor * (acc_col[j+1] - color); return color; } entity weaponorder[REGISTRY_MAX(Weapons)]; void weaponorder_swap(int i, int j, entity pass) { TC(int, i); TC(int, j); entity h = weaponorder[i]; weaponorder[i] = weaponorder[j]; weaponorder[j] = h; } string weaponorder_cmp_str; int weaponorder_cmp(int i, int j, entity pass) { TC(int, i); TC(int, j); int ai = strstrofs(weaponorder_cmp_str, sprintf(" %d ", weaponorder[i].m_id), 0); int aj = strstrofs(weaponorder_cmp_str, sprintf(" %d ", weaponorder[j].m_id), 0); return aj - ai; // the string is in REVERSE order (higher prio at the right is what we want, but higher prio first is the string) } #define HUD_WEAPONS_GET_FULL_LAYOUT() MACRO_BEGIN \ int nHidden = 0; \ FOREACH(Weapons, it != WEP_Null, { \ if (weapons_stat & WepSet_FromWeapon(it)) continue; \ if (it.spawnflags & (WEP_FLAG_HIDDEN | WEP_FLAG_MUTATORBLOCKED | WEP_FLAG_SPECIALATTACK)) nHidden += 1; \ }); \ vector table_size = HUD_GetTableSize_BestItemAR((REGISTRY_COUNT(Weapons) - 1) - nHidden, panel_size, aspect); \ columns = table_size.x; \ rows = table_size.y; \ weapon_size.x = panel_size.x / columns; \ weapon_size.y = panel_size.y / rows; \ MACRO_END string cl_weaponpriority_old; bool weapons_orderbyimpulse_old; void HUD_Weapons() { // declarations WepSet weapons_stat = WepSet_GetFromStat(); int i; float f, a; float screen_ar; vector center = '0 0 0'; int weapon_count, weapon_id; int row, column, rows = 0, columns = 0; bool vertical_order = true; float aspect = max(0.001, autocvar_hud_panel_weapons_aspect); float timeout = autocvar_hud_panel_weapons_timeout; float timein_effect_length = autocvar_hud_panel_weapons_timeout_speed_in; //? 0.375 : 0); float timeout_effect_length = autocvar_hud_panel_weapons_timeout_speed_out; //? 0.75 : 0); vector barsize = '0 0 0', baroffset = '0 0 0'; vector ammo_color = '1 0 1'; float ammo_alpha = 1; float when = max(1, autocvar_hud_panel_weapons_complainbubble_time); float fadetime = max(0, autocvar_hud_panel_weapons_complainbubble_fadetime); bool infinite_ammo = (STAT(ITEMS) & IT_UNLIMITED_AMMO); vector weapon_pos, weapon_size = '0 0 0'; vector color; entity panel_switchweapon = NULL; // check to see if we want to continue if(hud != HUD_NORMAL) return; if(!autocvar__hud_configure) { if((!autocvar_hud_panel_weapons) || (spectatee_status == -1)) return; if(STAT(HEALTH) <= 0 && autocvar_hud_panel_weapons_hide_ondeath) return; if(timeout && time >= weapontime + timeout + timeout_effect_length) if(autocvar_hud_panel_weapons_timeout_effect == 3 || (autocvar_hud_panel_weapons_timeout_effect == 1 && !(autocvar_hud_panel_weapons_timeout_fadebgmin + autocvar_hud_panel_weapons_timeout_fadefgmin))) { weaponprevtime = time; return; } } // update generic hud functions HUD_Panel_LoadCvars(); if(cl_weaponpriority_old != autocvar_cl_weaponpriority || weapons_orderbyimpulse_old != autocvar_hud_panel_weapons_orderbyimpulse || weaponorder[0] == NULL) { weapons_orderbyimpulse_old = autocvar_hud_panel_weapons_orderbyimpulse; strcpy(cl_weaponpriority_old, autocvar_cl_weaponpriority); string weporder = W_FixWeaponOrder_ForceComplete(W_NumberWeaponOrder(cl_weaponpriority_old)); if(autocvar_hud_panel_weapons_orderbyimpulse) { weporder = W_FixWeaponOrder_BuildImpulseList(weporder); } weaponorder_cmp_str = strcat(" ", weporder, " "); int weapon_cnt = 0; FOREACH(Weapons, it != WEP_Null && it.impulse >= 0, weaponorder[weapon_cnt++] = it); for(i = weapon_cnt; i < REGISTRY_MAX(Weapons); ++i) weaponorder[i] = NULL; heapsort(weapon_cnt, weaponorder_swap, weaponorder_cmp, NULL); weaponorder_cmp_str = string_null; } if(!autocvar_hud_panel_weapons_complainbubble || autocvar__hud_configure || time - complain_weapon_time >= when + fadetime) complain_weapon = NULL; entity wepent = viewmodels[0]; // TODO: unhardcode if (wepent.switchweapon == WEP_Null) panel_switchweapon = NULL; else if (!panel_switchweapon) panel_switchweapon = wepent.switchweapon; if(autocvar__hud_configure) { if(!weapons_stat) { int j = 0; FOREACH(Weapons, it != WEP_Null && it.impulse >= 0 && (it.impulse % 3 != 0) && j < 6, { if(!(it.spawnflags & WEP_FLAG_MUTATORBLOCKED) && !(it.spawnflags & WEP_FLAG_SPECIALATTACK)) { if(!panel_switchweapon || j < 4) panel_switchweapon = it; weapons_stat |= it.m_wepset; ++j; } }); } #if 0 /// debug code if(cvar("wep_add")) { int j; int nHidden = 0; FOREACH(Weapons, it != WEP_Null, { if (it.spawnflags & WEP_FLAG_MUTATORBLOCKED) nHidden += 1; }); weapons_stat = '0 0 0'; float countw = 1 + floor((floor(time * cvar("wep_add"))) % ((REGISTRY_COUNT(Weapons) - 1) - nHidden)); for(i = 0, j = 0; i <= (REGISTRY_COUNT(Weapons) - 1) && j < countw; ++i) { if(weaponorder[i].spawnflags & WEP_FLAG_MUTATORBLOCKED) continue; weapons_stat |= weaponorder[i].m_wepset; ++j; } } #endif } // determine which weapons are going to be shown if (autocvar_hud_panel_weapons_onlyowned) { if(autocvar__hud_configure) { if(hud_configure_menu_open != 2) HUD_Panel_DrawBg(); // also draw the bg of the entire panel } // do we own this weapon? weapon_count = 0; if (autocvar_hud_panel_weapons_onlyowned >= 2) // only current { for (i = 0; i <= WEP_LAST-WEP_FIRST; ++i) if (weaponorder[i] == panel_switchweapon || weaponorder[i] == complain_weapon) ++weapon_count; } else { for (i = 0; i <= WEP_LAST-WEP_FIRST; ++i) if ((weapons_stat & WepSet_FromWeapon(weaponorder[i])) || weaponorder[i] == complain_weapon) ++weapon_count; } // might as well commit suicide now, no reason to live ;) if (weapon_count == 0) return; vector old_panel_size = panel_size; panel_size -= '2 2 0' * panel_bg_padding; HUD_WEAPONS_GET_FULL_LAYOUT(); // NOTE: although weapons should aways look the same even if onlyowned is enabled, // we enlarge them a bit when possible to better match the desired aspect ratio if(panel_size.x / panel_size.y < aspect) { // maximum number of rows that allows to display items with the desired aspect ratio int max_rows = floor(panel_size.y / (weapon_size.x / aspect)); columns = min(columns, ceil(weapon_count / max_rows)); rows = ceil(weapon_count / columns); weapon_size.y = min(panel_size.y / rows, weapon_size.x / aspect); weapon_size.x = min(panel_size.x / columns, aspect * weapon_size.y); vertical_order = false; } else { int max_columns = floor(panel_size.x / (weapon_size.y * aspect)); rows = min(rows, ceil(weapon_count / max_columns)); columns = ceil(weapon_count / rows); weapon_size.x = min(panel_size.x / columns, aspect * weapon_size.y); weapon_size.y = min(panel_size.y / rows, weapon_size.x / aspect); vertical_order = true; } // reduce size of the panel panel_size.x = columns * weapon_size.x; panel_size.y = rows * weapon_size.y; panel_size += '2 2 0' * panel_bg_padding; // center the resized panel, or snap it to the screen edge when close enough if(panel_pos.x > vid_conwidth * 0.001) { if(panel_pos.x + old_panel_size.x > vid_conwidth * 0.999) panel_pos.x += old_panel_size.x - panel_size.x; else panel_pos.x += (old_panel_size.x - panel_size.x) / 2; } else if(old_panel_size.x > vid_conwidth * 0.999) panel_pos.x += (old_panel_size.x - panel_size.x) / 2; if(panel_pos.y > vid_conheight * 0.001) { if(panel_pos.y + old_panel_size.y > vid_conheight * 0.999) panel_pos.y += old_panel_size.y - panel_size.y; else panel_pos.y += (old_panel_size.y - panel_size.y) / 2; } else if(old_panel_size.y > vid_conheight * 0.999) panel_pos.y += (old_panel_size.y - panel_size.y) / 2; } else weapon_count = (REGISTRY_COUNT(Weapons) - 1); // animation for fading in/out the panel respectively when not in use if(!autocvar__hud_configure) { if (timeout && time >= weapontime + timeout) // apply timeout effect if needed { f = bound(0, (time - (weapontime + timeout)) / timeout_effect_length, 1); // fade the panel alpha if(autocvar_hud_panel_weapons_timeout_effect == 1) { panel_bg_alpha *= (autocvar_hud_panel_weapons_timeout_fadebgmin * f + (1 - f)); panel_fg_alpha *= (autocvar_hud_panel_weapons_timeout_fadefgmin * f + (1 - f)); } else if(autocvar_hud_panel_weapons_timeout_effect == 3) { panel_bg_alpha *= (1 - f); panel_fg_alpha *= (1 - f); } // move the panel off the screen if (autocvar_hud_panel_weapons_timeout_effect == 2 || autocvar_hud_panel_weapons_timeout_effect == 3) { f *= f; // for a cooler movement center.x = panel_pos.x + panel_size.x/2; center.y = panel_pos.y + panel_size.y/2; screen_ar = vid_conwidth/vid_conheight; if (center.x/center.y < screen_ar) //bottom left { if ((vid_conwidth - center.x)/center.y < screen_ar) //bottom panel_pos.y += f * (vid_conheight - panel_pos.y); else //left panel_pos.x -= f * (panel_pos.x + panel_size.x); } else //top right { if ((vid_conwidth - center.x)/center.y < screen_ar) //right panel_pos.x += f * (vid_conwidth - panel_pos.x); else //top panel_pos.y -= f * (panel_pos.y + panel_size.y); } if(f == 1) center.x = -1; // mark the panel as off screen } weaponprevtime = time - (1 - f) * timein_effect_length; } else if (timeout && time < weaponprevtime + timein_effect_length) // apply timein effect if needed { f = bound(0, (time - weaponprevtime) / timein_effect_length, 1); // fade the panel alpha if(autocvar_hud_panel_weapons_timeout_effect == 1) { panel_bg_alpha *= (autocvar_hud_panel_weapons_timeout_fadebgmin * (1 - f) + f); panel_fg_alpha *= (autocvar_hud_panel_weapons_timeout_fadefgmin * (1 - f) + f); } else if(autocvar_hud_panel_weapons_timeout_effect == 3) { panel_bg_alpha *= (f); panel_fg_alpha *= (f); } // move the panel back on screen if (autocvar_hud_panel_weapons_timeout_effect == 2 || autocvar_hud_panel_weapons_timeout_effect == 3) { f *= f; // for a cooler movement f = 1 - f; center.x = panel_pos.x + panel_size.x/2; center.y = panel_pos.y + panel_size.y/2; screen_ar = vid_conwidth/vid_conheight; if (center.x/center.y < screen_ar) //bottom left { if ((vid_conwidth - center.x)/center.y < screen_ar) //bottom panel_pos.y += f * (vid_conheight - panel_pos.y); else //left panel_pos.x -= f * (panel_pos.x + panel_size.x); } else //top right { if ((vid_conwidth - center.x)/center.y < screen_ar) //right panel_pos.x += f * (vid_conwidth - panel_pos.x); else //top panel_pos.y -= f * (panel_pos.y + panel_size.y); } } } } // draw the background, then change the virtual size of it to better fit other items inside if (autocvar_hud_panel_weapons_dynamichud) HUD_Scale_Enable(); else HUD_Scale_Disable(); HUD_Panel_DrawBg(); if(center.x == -1) return; // panel has gone off screen if(panel_bg_padding) { panel_pos += '1 1 0' * panel_bg_padding; panel_size -= '2 2 0' * panel_bg_padding; } // after the sizing and animations are done, update the other values if(!rows) // if rows is > 0 onlyowned code has already updated these vars { HUD_WEAPONS_GET_FULL_LAYOUT(); vertical_order = (panel_size.x / panel_size.y >= aspect); } // calculate position/size for visual bar displaying ammount of ammo status if (!infinite_ammo && autocvar_hud_panel_weapons_ammo) { ammo_color = stov(autocvar_hud_panel_weapons_ammo_color); ammo_alpha = panel_fg_alpha * autocvar_hud_panel_weapons_ammo_alpha; if(weapon_size.x/weapon_size.y > aspect) { barsize.x = aspect * weapon_size.y; barsize.y = weapon_size.y; baroffset.x = (weapon_size.x - barsize.x) / 2; } else { barsize.y = 1/aspect * weapon_size.x; barsize.x = weapon_size.x; baroffset.y = (weapon_size.y - barsize.y) / 2; } } if(autocvar_hud_panel_weapons_accuracy) Accuracy_LoadColors(); // draw items row = column = 0; vector label_size = '1 1 0' * min(weapon_size.x, weapon_size.y) * bound(0, autocvar_hud_panel_weapons_label_scale, 1); vector noncurrent_size = weapon_size * bound(0.01, autocvar_hud_panel_weapons_noncurrent_scale, 1); float noncurrent_alpha = panel_fg_alpha * bound(0, autocvar_hud_panel_weapons_noncurrent_alpha, 1); static vector weapon_pos_current = '-1 0 0'; if(weapon_pos_current.x == -1) weapon_pos_current = panel_pos; float switch_speed; if(autocvar_hud_panel_weapons_selection_speed <= 0 || autocvar__hud_configure) switch_speed = 999; else switch_speed = frametime * autocvar_hud_panel_weapons_selection_speed; vector radius_size = weapon_size * (autocvar_hud_panel_weapons_selection_radius + 1); // draw background behind currently selected weapon // do it earlier to make sure bg is drawn behind every weapon icons while it's moving if(panel_switchweapon) drawpic_aspect_skin(weapon_pos_current, "weapon_current_bg", weapon_size, '1 1 1', panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); for(i = 0; i <= WEP_LAST-WEP_FIRST; ++i) { // retrieve information about the current weapon to be drawn entity it = weaponorder[i]; weapon_id = it.impulse; // skip if this weapon doesn't exist if(!it || weapon_id < 0) { continue; } // skip this weapon if we don't own it (and onlyowned is enabled)-- or if weapons_complainbubble is showing for this weapon if (autocvar_hud_panel_weapons_onlyowned) { if (autocvar_hud_panel_weapons_onlyowned >= 2) // only current { if (!(it == panel_switchweapon || it == complain_weapon)) continue; } else { if (!((weapons_stat & WepSet_FromWeapon(it)) || (it == complain_weapon))) continue; } } else { if ((it.spawnflags & (WEP_FLAG_HIDDEN | WEP_FLAG_MUTATORBLOCKED | WEP_FLAG_SPECIALATTACK)) && !(weapons_stat & WepSet_FromWeapon(it))) continue; } // figure out the drawing position of weapon weapon_pos = panel_pos + vec2(column * weapon_size.x, row * weapon_size.y); // update position of the currently selected weapon if(it == panel_switchweapon) { if(weapon_pos_current.y > weapon_pos.y) weapon_pos_current.y = max(weapon_pos.y, weapon_pos_current.y - switch_speed * (weapon_pos_current.y - weapon_pos.y)); else if(weapon_pos_current.y < weapon_pos.y) weapon_pos_current.y = min(weapon_pos.y, weapon_pos_current.y + switch_speed * (weapon_pos.y - weapon_pos_current.y)); if(weapon_pos_current.x > weapon_pos.x) weapon_pos_current.x = max(weapon_pos.x, weapon_pos_current.x - switch_speed * (weapon_pos_current.x - weapon_pos.x)); else if(weapon_pos_current.x < weapon_pos.x) weapon_pos_current.x = min(weapon_pos.x, weapon_pos_current.x + switch_speed * (weapon_pos.x - weapon_pos_current.x)); } // draw the weapon accuracy if(autocvar_hud_panel_weapons_accuracy) { float panel_weapon_accuracy = weapon_accuracy[it.m_id-WEP_FIRST]; if(panel_weapon_accuracy >= 0) { color = Accuracy_GetColor(panel_weapon_accuracy); drawpic_aspect_skin(weapon_pos, "weapon_accuracy", weapon_size, color, panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } } vector weapon_size_real = noncurrent_size; float weapon_alpha_real = noncurrent_alpha; float radius_factor_x = 1 - bound(0, fabs(weapon_pos.x - weapon_pos_current.x) / radius_size.x, 1); float radius_factor_y = 1 - bound(0, fabs(weapon_pos.y - weapon_pos_current.y) / radius_size.y, 1); if(radius_factor_x || radius_factor_y) { weapon_size_real.x += (weapon_size.x - noncurrent_size.x) * radius_factor_x; weapon_size_real.y += (weapon_size.y - noncurrent_size.y) * radius_factor_y; weapon_alpha_real += (panel_fg_alpha - noncurrent_alpha) * min(radius_factor_x, radius_factor_y); } vector weapon_pos_real = weapon_pos; weapon_pos_real.x = weapon_pos.x + (weapon_size.x - weapon_size_real.x) / 2; weapon_pos_real.y = weapon_pos.y + (weapon_size.y - weapon_size_real.y) / 2; // drawing all the weapon items if(weapons_stat & WepSet_FromWeapon(it)) { // draw the weapon image drawpic_aspect_skin(weapon_pos_real, it.model2, weapon_size_real, '1 1 1', weapon_alpha_real, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); // draw weapon label string switch(autocvar_hud_panel_weapons_label) { case 1: // weapon number drawstring(weapon_pos, ftos(weapon_id), label_size, '1 1 1', panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); break; case 2: // bind drawstring(weapon_pos, getcommandkey(ftos(weapon_id), strcat("weapon_group_", ftos(weapon_id))), label_size, '1 1 1', panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); break; case 3: // weapon name drawstring(weapon_pos, strtolower(it.m_name), label_size, '1 1 1', panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); break; default: // nothing break; } // draw ammo status bar if(!infinite_ammo && autocvar_hud_panel_weapons_ammo && (it.ammo_type != RES_NONE)) { float ammo_full; a = getstati(GetAmmoStat(it.ammo_type)); // how much ammo do we have? if(a > 0) { // TODO: registry handles switch (it.ammo_type) { case RES_SHELLS: ammo_full = autocvar_hud_panel_weapons_ammo_full_shells; break; case RES_BULLETS: ammo_full = autocvar_hud_panel_weapons_ammo_full_nails; break; case RES_ROCKETS: ammo_full = autocvar_hud_panel_weapons_ammo_full_rockets; break; case RES_CELLS: ammo_full = autocvar_hud_panel_weapons_ammo_full_cells; break; case RES_FUEL: ammo_full = autocvar_hud_panel_weapons_ammo_full_fuel; break; default: ammo_full = 60; } drawsetcliparea( weapon_pos.x + baroffset.x, weapon_pos.y + baroffset.y, barsize.x * bound(0, a/ammo_full, 1), barsize.y ); drawpic_aspect_skin( weapon_pos, "weapon_ammo", weapon_size, ammo_color, ammo_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL ); drawresetcliparea(); } } } else // draw a "ghost weapon icon" if you don't have the weapon { drawpic_aspect_skin(weapon_pos_real, it.model2, weapon_size_real, '0.2 0.2 0.2', weapon_alpha_real * 0.5, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } // draw the complain message if(it == complain_weapon) { if(fadetime) a = ((complain_weapon_time + when > time) ? 1 : bound(0, (complain_weapon_time + when + fadetime - time) / fadetime, 1)); else a = ((complain_weapon_time + when > time) ? 1 : 0); string s; if(complain_weapon_type == 0) { s = _("Out of ammo"); color = stov(autocvar_hud_panel_weapons_complainbubble_color_outofammo); } else if(complain_weapon_type == 1) { s = _("Don't have"); color = stov(autocvar_hud_panel_weapons_complainbubble_color_donthave); } else { s = _("Unavailable"); color = stov(autocvar_hud_panel_weapons_complainbubble_color_unavailable); } float padding = autocvar_hud_panel_weapons_complainbubble_padding; drawpic_aspect_skin(weapon_pos + '1 1 0' * padding, "weapon_complainbubble", weapon_size - '2 2 0' * padding, color, a * panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawstring_aspect(weapon_pos + '1 1 0' * padding, s, weapon_size - '2 2 0' * padding, '1 1 1', panel_fg_alpha * a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } #if 0 /// debug code if(!autocvar_hud_panel_weapons_onlyowned) { drawfill(weapon_pos + '1 1 0', weapon_size - '2 2 0', '1 1 1', panel_fg_alpha * 0.2, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawstring(weapon_pos, ftos(i + 1), label_size, '1 1 1', panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } #endif // continue with new position for the next weapon if(vertical_order) { ++column; if(column >= columns) { column = 0; ++row; } } else { ++row; if(row >= rows) { row = 0; ++column; } } } }